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Account Deactivated. <3 Windy
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  • Deviant for 15 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
DUE TO ONLY TWO ENTRIES, THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Those two participants may complete their round two entry to receive the event ribbon anyways, worth 25 points.Entrants: :thumb264595340: :thumb263462009: This is how I imagine it happened: http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9360/psccontestf02copy.jpg *it was, of course, drawn without ginny and zing&#039;s knowledge, so it may or may not be inaccurate.This month&#039;s contest theme is Party; either a retirement or a welcome party will do! Round 1 entries are due Friday 14th. Including Judge rainer or host Ginny in your entries will get you a special event ribbon (but no extra points). --saraPo...
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Zing : Hey guys, it&#039;s the moment you&#039;ve all been waiting for! That&#039;s right, the big reveal of the special Black Tourney themed surprise!...............TADA!I am proud to announce the launch of the official Black Tourney Website! http://blacktourney.com/ Everything and anything Black Tourney related is there; links to contestants and their rounds, art collections, music from the BT soundtrack, and even some behind the scenes information!I worked for about a month or so on designing this website, and it took another month to gather all the information and art needed for it.Then :devbigbadcomplex: spent an additional month or two doing all th...
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BLACK TOURNEY CONTEST RESULTSZing: ....And another contest comes to an end! Thanks for participating in our special anniversary theme everyone, the appeals that you showed us were all astounding~Please stayed tuned in the next week or so for the reveal of the SUPER SPECIAL BLACK TOURNEY-THEMED SURPRISE! ;&gt; :devbigbadcomplex: and I have been working on it for probably around 2-3 months now, and it looks amazing &gt;wPokemon Super Contests Cool/Beauty Contest 8/18/11 - 9/15/11 Sub-theme: Nightmare (cool), Resurrection (beauty)Judges: :iconiron-zing: :iconmugenginga: :iconjenasu::devHeavens-snow: :thumb256114752::thumb256460636: Round 1: 14 Rou...
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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I didn't want to see this account die.
oh i feel sorry for this now
This makes me so sad to see this happen. :<
i want to join, but my character likes to play under the table