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Pokemon Aaah v5.0



Sadly, no copy of this version of the site exists. It disappeared when I accidentally deleted my entire computer. Bleh. But screenshots of it exist, as noted here

Note the 595959 on the counter.

Here's what the PA! Version History had to say about it:

"Liquid Sky Design (v5.0b) - Due to a problem with his ISP, Nick15 has to shut down the Nick15.com server for a while in order to switch ISPs. In this time, Nick15 decided to introducw a BETA preview version of PA!5 over at Bulbagarden.com. It introduced the new design to everyone, but it still had some tweaks that needed to be made. .... Now unlike previous version upgrades, PA!5 was not the major graphical overhaul like before. Graphics were updated, but not as much as before. The grand overhaul this time is with the HTML pages themselves, along with a new NewsPro news updating format.

"PA! also picked up a few new staff members, PMX and Dark Aspenth, who would later help Nick15 keep things running as he couldn't keep the one-man show running.

"With the addition of PMX as webmaster of PA!, the PA! forums moved from an ezBoard to a UBB, located at [link]

Liquid Sky Design (v5.0) - Nick15.com came back up with it's new ISP, and so did the final version of PA!5. Since the BETA version released the previous month, Nick15 had made some changes and added some new sections too. This update also marks the introduction of Nick15's next set, Razzo, and it's new web address, [link] Good times indeed.

"However Nick15 started to grow tiresome of his duties, especially since he was recently promoted to a Wizard's PokéGym moderator."
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