pokemonaaah's avatar


Pokémon Aaah!
29 Watchers32 Deviations

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My Bio

Current Residence: Online
Favourite genre of music: Video game music
Operating System: Bill's PC

Favourite Visual Artist
Sumiyoshi Kuzuki
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Junichi Masuda
Favourite Writers
Ken Sugimori
Other Interests
Pokémon, card games
Long story short, we're back!Short story long... back in November 2019, I (Nick15) decided to restart Pokemon Aaah!  as a regularly updating website again, instead of some random blog that I would update once a year. And a lot has happened in that time... I've started work on a new webcomic, a new fake card series, and even created a font for the Galarian alphabet seen in Sword/Shield !Swing by the site and check everything out! http://www.PokemonAaah.netIn the mean time, I'm gonna try to add more artwork to this account now, especially since the site is back in action. Either way, catch you later!
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Post written by Nick15 :iconnick15::Pokémon Aaah! was a website I created back around April 10th, 1999 and focused mostly on the Pokémon Trading Card Game released by Wizards of the Coast and Nintendo. But it was mostly known for it's graphical fake Pokémon TCG cards. In fact, anyone who does graphic fake Pokémon TCG cards owes it to PA! and myself for making the whole thing popular. Likewise, now I'm not a gloating person, but I think my fakes were the most authentic looking, and I know very few who disagreed with me.But alas, other obligations and changing trends forced me to officially shut down PA! on August 1st, 2004. Everything about...
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Howdy! I made this deviantART page to upload all my old Pokémon fake cards I made between 1999 and 2003, mostly just to see if anyone on deviantART remembers them. Maybe get some comments or whatnot on them. Woot!- nick15 http://nick15.deviantart.com/BTW, thanks for the "we're here to help!" messages, but I already know how to use deviantART. :)
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Profile Comments 27

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Uh... what do you mean exactly? I don't mind if you want to print them out for fun and use them in your own decks... but not necessarily if you intend on selling them.
I am surprised that you have a dA!

I downloaded your Gym blanks, since I am planning a series!
Thank you for the favorite!
Thanks fo the favs.
Thanks for the :+fav:!
thanks for the fav!!! some of that cards are really cool XD
