
Cactus Field Tasks: Hunters Briefing (Part 2 of 3)

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       As Cassie got closer to the Thirsty Cacturne, Velma bumped into her, which caused her to jump. She turned around and made a 'Shh' noise, then turned and got closer to the building, but Velma's curiousity got the best of her, so she asked Cassie, "Are you sure Robin asked us to destroy the suite?"

       "Yes," was the simple answer she gave Velma, but Cassie didn't say the fact that Reuben was the one who assigned them the task, but that was soon forgotten as she thought about their reward, a shiny, alluring gem. She was nudged by Velma, which made her jump again. "Don't do that," she hissed, "now let's go." 

       "How did we get inside again," asked Velma, who was still surprised that they got inside, even with the high security outside, which she didn't know were her fellow hunters. She looked at the room, a beauty, it's label 'luxury' well placed, thought Velma. Cassie waved her hands in front of Velma, which got her attention. Cassie, then motioned for Velma to help her thrash the beautiful room. Cassie was moving towards Solstice and Flint's items, then a snore made her yelp. She turned to Velma, but Velma was pointing at a small Sandshrew, who was rolled up, sleeping.

         That must be Kite, thought Cassie, so he tried to catch the pokemon thrashing the room, meaning us, but he fell asleep. Better safe than sorry, she thought as she put a blanket over him, covering him so he wouldn't see them. Velma was about to ask why Cassie was doing that, but Cassie put a hand on her mouth in a 'be quiet' gesture. She then got to flipping tables, throwing papers and just creating chaos. Velma did the best she could, but she never did this before, so she only did minimal damage. "Stop."

          Velma turned to see Cassie with a disco ball, who then placed it on the bed. "Cassie, how did you get a disco ball here in the time I was turned around!?" Cassie smiled and was about to explain, when they heard footsteps. "Ack! Cassie, what now?!" 

        "Out the window! Use your Psychic to land safely," hissed Cassie as she got on Velma's head. Velma used Psychic to open the window, then hesitated for a moment before jumping.

       After landing, Velma ran away from the Thirsty Cacturne or whatever the place was called. Hopefully Emerald and Lance are having it easier, she thought, huffing towards the Cactus Fields, where they would meet up with Emerald and Lance, to help with the barbecue. Hopefully it's not as complicated as what we just did, thought Velma. As they were searching for their friends, Velma asked, "Cassie, I still want to know how you did it to get the disco ball into the room."

"Oh, that, well, it's a long story....," Cassie replied quickly.

"We have time," responded Velma.

"Oh, look, Emerald and Lance....with three strangers. Let's go, I'll tell you when we are all gathered around," as Cassie wandered towards them, Velma tried her best imagining Cassie with a semi-huge disco ball....

Team Secret Spells:

+1 Alluring Gem

Part 1:
Part 3:
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