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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (11)
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Current Residence: El Paso, Texas


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Alright, obviously I haven't been too active around here...obviously. Honestly, I thought I was going to ditch this place but that would be unfair to you and myself. I won't go into it right now because it's not important. So here are the updates: I will not be launching my website. Not yet anyway. I decided to drop Poison Drop because I wanted a domain name that is a bit more professional. When will I launch it? I'm not sure but I'm afraid it won't be any time soon. Perhaps when I get my priorities straight. However, I will announce that I am shooting again and I have gained my motivation to once again continue where I left off...again. Fo
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So I have new stuff for you guys. Fucking brushes in particular. However, my stupid fucking scanner isn't working so I have no way of uploading them onto my computer. I hate using my camera because it doesn't capture every single detail. I will find a solution my dears, so fret not. In other news, I'm finally working on my website again. I have been for the past month. On and off of course. I just need to fix a few details and it'll be good for coding. However, I was hoping to combine Flash in this one but I can't seem to figure Flash Pro out. In good time, I suppose. I want to re-open P-D.net by the end of the year so I think Flash will hav
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I know that this account has not been active along with my many other accounts. I'm very thankful for those of you who keep using my stock and favorite my resources even though my updates have been lacking. I'm done making excuses because they lead me no where. Instead, I'll just update as much as possible. You will see my Facebook and Flickr being updated the most. Once I've revised my website's layout that will be my main portfolio, journal, and sanctuary. Until then, I leave you with the list of links and RULES. _________ Poison-Drop.net | Personal dA | Flickr | Facebook
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I have use your wonderful stock here [link]
Thank you very much!!!
You have brilliant stock!! Thanks so much
Happy birthday :)
Thanks for the fave:hug: