Careless WhispersTwenty entities were presented
Worn and dressed with blue and white
Their bottoms and backs were to tied to chairs
While their finger bones locked their pens tightly
And their hands hold the papers firmlyTheir eyes were scavenging the answers for the test
Either from their own work
Or from their closest partner's piece
For the nineteen, everything was legal to do
But not for the one
Not for the littlest boy with short and black hair
He did the test aloneThe teacher was standing amidst them
Patrolling and roaming in the seeking of unfairness
Her eyes were focus and sharp
Examining every inches in range
Like what an eagle do...
Your like a safe
Just with a pretty face
Your secrets Kept within
And you will not tell them
Though I wonder
Whats eating your slumber
What are you trying to hide
What is so valuable inside
Why keep it under lock and key
Please let your secret be free
And share it with me
The tear is a cleansing thing
It gets rid of dirt and grime
Also the sadness in the heartThe tear cleans and cleans
It is not a weakness to cry
But a strengthCrying isnt just for babies
Its for everyone with dust in the eye
Or with a broken heartSo cry
Cry your hearts content
Cry till you can not cry no moreCry Cry Cry till I shall DIE!
The Winter SonataCherry was staring at the pale sky
Using her brown and small eyes
Snow was starting to fell
Piece by piece of ice touched the ground
Gathering into layers of glacial whiteHer silvers furs felt cold and shivered
As the winter wind blew into them
Gently touched her skin with its chilly breath
Freezing her blood slowly
In her carmine veinsThe weather became colder and colder
The wind was not soft anymore
But she persisted to remain there
Staying near the unclosed window
Rather than comforting before the heat of fire
Aglow far behind her visageShe gazed upon the field of snow
Longingly she restarted her memories
When she playe...
The Will of LifeThe dawn was breaking upon the sky
Forms of grey cloud turned into sepia
The darkness was leaving the world
As swallows soared and flew up high
Singing their songs of the morning
To greet a new day
Coming against the shadow of nightThe sun was rising before its height
Awaking people from their sleep
While the morning wind blew my face
Softly it washed my doubt and exhaustion
After the long way to pursue my destination
By moving my leg along the rocky roadI was sweating and my lungs gasping for breath
As I climbed the steep hills
Reaching up to the meadow
To witness the dawn rising from below
Before anyone else didMy sneaker...
Written by michael.m
On Wednesday, March 28th 2012The light is fading
And the eyes are getting weak
Please take me home with you
Then I'll be fine tomorrowThe noises are cracking
And your sound is getting far away
Please stay with me and say that you love me
Then I'll hear none of my miseryThe aromas are vile
And the scents are sickening
Please guide me to your flower garden
Then I'll be free to smell freedomThe rats shat on the dinner
And the food turns into poison
Please invite me to you feast
Then I'll rejoice to taste all I wantThe skin is rotting
And the flesh will become ashes one day
Please sound your prayers for me
So the Requi...
Behind The Nothingness by heavenlytouch, literature
Behind The Nothingness
Behind The NothingnessI used to play here everyday
Alone and with no light
Behind an ashen, big board
People calls as a pianoMy fingers were dancing
With the old, cranky piano keys
And rhyming with all the chords and melodies I know
All the black and white
Became one amidst shadowBehind the nothingness, I played wild
Raging and fighting against the false melodies
Sounded as I pressed the wrong parts of the song
This ears can never hear well
But my failures rang inside them
ClearlyBehind the nothingness, my fingers kept playing
Without audience to sit before me
Without clapping hands to sound appreciation
Without a figure or even a shadow
My poetry maybe sad sometimes
With some poor little rhymes....But who can judge.....The same meaning is their
So why should you care...But you'll still judge....No matter how good or poor
My poetry will never soar...Because all have judged..Why should I even try
Well because...It lets my soul fly...But you'll still judge...So please do not judge me
For my heart felt poetry...Instead let your soul be free!...
A Young Love Story
Written on Monday, January 5th 2015The old man at the playground gave a smile
Could tell he was drunk, breath so vile
The little boy nearby wondered what to do
Approaching him, planning no undo
He then told me his beloved fairytale"I'm going to tell you one about a kingdom
Hope you little prince won't fall into boredom."
He then opened his old, worn story book
Yet still so colorful it put him on the hook
He read in his voice full with wisdom"Once upon a time, a Prince fell in love
With a woman whom he would give anything expensive
But then he heard that she was married
The matter terribly made him worried
For her was his...
Furs And ClawsNight has fallen over the world
Turning it into silence and echoes
Lamp lights create a soft light around the street
Shading every single corner
Where all the black cats law low
In the waiting for the sun
To disappear from the sky
So they can jump and roam
From verandahs to verandahs
Without ever being noticed by the people around
Softly the fall to the ground without any harmThey are the felines and shadows
They are the furs and claws
Beware or they will hurt you
With their overwhelming number
Hello...umm...I was wondering if I could get more people to look at a poem I did called stereotypes...I want more people to see it so it can help people...I don't really care about the publicity I just want to help others...Its for a leadership program called nXu