The Need To Move On (Poem) by Tigueron, literature
The Need To Move On (Poem)
Why does it all still haunt me
Why do memories still taunt me
It may all just be in my head
Mental thoughts as if to be led
To think I've not moved at all,
even though I've begged
To be at peace but instead
My peace was merely a temporary shedBlown away by the winds of a time I've left behind
Now it's found me again and I look for new signs
I can only see that evil smirk as the enemy thinks of my demise
Now I pray to my Lord who hath saved me time after time
Why has my right to love feel more like a crime
Why must I live in exile of my own feelings of my own mind
Save me Lord and take me into better times
I may not deserve it Lord but i kn...
God Always Comes Through (Poem) by Tigueron, literature
God Always Comes Through (Poem)
Sometimes we live through a horrible experience
It's not easy to wrestle with personal demons
In our impatience we do things we shouldn't do
But even then, in the end, God always came throughThe things we hate, those things we do
The things we'd like to do, those we can't do
If Paul the apostle went through it, so will you
But even then, in the end, God always came throughWhen we misaligned our minds from the will of the divine
Sin seeped through to seduce with promises of good times
Promises we paid a heavy price believing they'd be true
But even then, in the end, God always came throughWhether your affliction is violence, sex, or drugs
Hoping That You'll Find (Poem) by Tigueron, literature
Hoping That You'll Find (Poem)
Letting you go wasn't the easiest thing for me to do
Even though forgetting me, seemed so easy for you
Took me years in fact, but in the end I could finally see
I couldn't save you, not even as the man you needed me to beI had always seen you as my little damsel in distress
That as the hero, I could rescue you and well you know the rest
But I couldn't be the hero, I wasn't prepared for such a test
Forgive me, if instead of relieving, I may have added more stressIt's been over a year since we legally separated
It was a weird feeling to be both relieved and devastated
But I didn't write this to reminisce, or turn back time
It wasn't to incit...
Breakthrough The Cycle (Poem) by Tigueron, literature
Breakthrough The Cycle (Poem)
As the heart aches the mouth profanes
To habits and addictions we've become enslaved
Our frustrations increase as our sin remains
Yet in our strength no progress can be obtainedOnly when we are so broken, it's Him we start seeking
The one whom in our suffering has been silently weeping
His words never ceased as He has always been speaking
We ignore that voice that has been internally preachingHe sends out His faithful to testify of a love so great
It is not in His nature to forsake and let you fade away
He is determined to bring you back to that wonderful place
That in your search to fill your heart, you lost the wayNow you sit in worry, p...
I'm not looking for sobs, I'm not looking for tears
I'm praying that you'd want to transform the rest of your years
That you'd make that decision that would deliver you from all of your fears
And that all the confusion in your mind would be finally clearedIt's been so long, but I'm still here
Praying and believing that you'll let God near
That one day I'd wake up to the sound of music in my ear
Hearing your voice worship, singing, how Jesus changed your life after so many yearsI'd often ask my self Why is this so important?
Why not give up the hope and just ignore it?
Why feel discouraged when I hear you're still exploring?
Frustrated when...
I sit here thinking of time that's past
Wondering why love never lasts
I could read books and countless sources
And all I find is theories & pointless courses
On what to expect and how it works
How it gets better and how it gets worse
Love is a lot of things, except easy to find
I was fooled into thinking that you were mine
Love is beautiful, but only when it's true
But you may think it evil, when you rush into it like foolsI thought the world of you
But I was truly wrong
You had me feeling blue
Like a bitter ending in the saddest songHow many I love yous were really real?
How many times did you say what you really feel?
A relationship as ...
It's obvious being alone is one of your greatest fears
It's why you fall for any man who can sweet talk you in your ear
You know you've been through all this ordeal before
But you ignore the signs and to your heart you always open up the doorIt's like you don't believe you're really worth it any more
Every man you've let in takes all you have and demands more
Stomps over your heart and just lets your tears pour
Time for a change, you need your body and soul restoredYou need to look up and see there's more to your life story
You need to accept the need for change and just give Him glory
Submit to a greater plan, you're better off in The Lo...
Imagine it as if it was happening today
The hour was dawning in which it would be His last day
Jesus, took 3 of His disciples and went out to pray
As the death He'd prophesied was but a short time awayHe began to be filled with sorrow and became deeply distressed
"My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even to death.."
So strong was his distress that blood expelled as He sweat
Three times He asked them to stay awake and pray but three times they slept."Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold the hour is at hand,
And the Son of Man is being betrayed into sinners' hands.
Rise, let us be going. See My betrayer is at hand"
The betrayer Judas arri...
Humility for me was never a virtue, nor one of my strengths
In vanity I lived, in vanity would have been my end
Reprobate is a lifestyle, usurped into the minds of man
How could we value others, when selfishness is our best friendThe same tired cycle day after day
Blinded in ignorance we can't see how we're enslaved
We've idolized the creation and the Creator we've put away
As if the creation was the source from whence we cameBut glory to God a plan is always in place
That brings us back to the design that He originally made
Living to love Him and others is the lifestyle to strive for each day
Though impossible on our own to achieve, He ma...
Much More Than Entertainers (Poem) by Tigueron, literature
Much More Than Entertainers (Poem)
You were never called to be just a simple entertainer
When you have the fire of God you can be a world changer
But if you end up trading God to gain the world's favor
The truth is that you've placed your eternal destiny in dangerDo not be conformed to the world, tempted by its temporary pleasures
It's just a way to hold you back from discovering life's true treasures
You can love the world, but it'll rip you apart, becoming your oppressor
But glory to God, the Lord is always willing to put you back togetherYou can choose to entertain the world and be forgotten a few years later
Or you can change the lives of total strangers, and always be...
Hi, I'm not to sure. I'm trying to round up the co-founder and the other contributor as our founder is no more. Please bear a little with me until I can figure out how to help here. thanks