Love Is Dead In MetropolisPoerti on DeviantArt

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January 22, 2008
Many have perhaps seen Love Is Dead In Metropolis by ~Poerti before. The rest of this artist's gallery is certainly worth some attention as well.
Featured by IreneLangholm
Poerti's avatar

Love Is Dead In Metropolis



The awesome and wonderful model: :iconempatia-stock:

She is very kind and appreciative! Please visit her at DA!

Named to a wonderful song of Anne Clark called "Sleeper In Metropolis"

As a sleeper in metropolis
You are insignificance
Dreams become entangled in the system

Environment moves over the sleeper:
Conditioned air
Conditions sedated breathing
The sensation of viscose
sheets on nakes flesh
Soft and warm
But lonesome in the
blackened ocean of night

Confined in the helpless safety
of diseres and dreams
We fight our insignificance
The harder we fight
The higher the wall

outside the city spreads
Like an illness
It's symptoms

In cars that cruise to
inevitable destinations
Tailed by the silent spotlights
Of Society created paranoia

No alternative could grow
Where love cannot take root
No shadows will replace
The warmth of your contact

Love is dead in metropolis
All contact through glove or partition
What a waste
The City -
A wasting disease.
Image size
857x869px 704.01 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Poerti
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