Good gods, it's 2024, I can't believe I had to come back to mod this LOL. Sunny heard y'all and asked me if I could deal with it. I'll see if I can get all the bad posts out and close the folders. Now if only I could figure out the changes to the UI that have happened over nearly a decade while I wasn't looking.
Thank you so much for this, sad to close the folders, but with the unrelated art post and lack of submissions It's understandable. It took em like 6 years to finally ruin groups, just, what even was the point?
Thank you so much Clockwork! It's greatly appreciated! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, I thought Sheer would take longer to respond as he can take a while off his current socials. Also sorry for having to deal with Deviantarts current UI, I know it's hellish! Again thanks alot for you and Sheer to agree to lock the folders!
I mean, if enough people contacted DA staff about this it MIGHT be possible to get them to disable submissions to the group
...but that's risky as they could also end up deleting it altogether or doing something like force converting it to the new group format braking a lot of stuff