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'Thump, thump'. Although they were muted, the sounds of large footsteps shook Vero from her sleep. She laid in bed for a moment until she heard the rattling of papers, and remembered where she was. Her feet touched the floor, and she started to see, moving around the room to the kitchen, where Alex was sitting and looking at what she presumed to be the mail.
“Good morning. Anything good come in the mail today, Alex?” She asked, smoothing her fur along her arm with a brush.
“Good Morning, Veronique. Actually, yes. The guilds around town have asked for assistance from whomever is willing this day. It would be a good opportunity for you to get to know others around here, and I'm sure Anise would love to go with you...when she wakes up.”
“Anise...? What about you? Would you be coming with us?”
“Sadly no, I have some things to do around the house, and then I need to do my patrol, just in case there's any other cute Espurr that have gotten lost on their way to town. I will check back with you afterward, however.”
It took roughly ten more minutes for Anise to practically sludge herself in the kitchen lazly. The young girl was still half asleep and going about tirely. This brief moment of calmness before she'd get warmed up and woke up enough to storm about was the only time of day the small Goomy wasn't practically bouncing everywhere.
Without a word, Alex helped his sister make her way up at her place on the table before finally adressing his half asleep sister.
“Good morning Anise, I'm glad you joined us for breakfast.” The larger dragon chimed.
Anise nodded with great effort and practically yawned. “G'mworning big bwo, g'mworning Vewo... What we gwot for bweakvast?...”
Vero took up the letters as Alex moved, making sure to only take those that held the title of the factions from the pile. “Ah... I haven't had the opportunity to make it yet..I think it was my turn today. Anise, how would you feel about helping out some of the others in town and showing me around at the same time?” She brushed off the larger amount of slime from the pages, and charged it with energy so that she could read it. “It looks like the artisans have an opportunity to have your picture drawn, and are in return asking for help with their performance, even asking for a hot meal.”
The dragon girl almost fell asleep again on the table as she was listening to Vero's offer, still tired of last night's 'Reaserch' as she'd put it.
Her groogy voice gave a barely decyphrable answer. “If wou cawwy me...”
To help with his sister's fatigue, Alxed came back at the table, setting down a pair of cup filled with tea for the girls. “Ladies, your morning tea.” the older brother declaired on an amused regal tone.
Of course, Anise loss not a moment and pressed her mouth at the edge, inclining the cup slightly and took a sip of the warm drink.
“Ah, thank you, smells like a lovely brew.” She paused at Anise's answer. “You know I can't see if I carry you. We'd both get lost.” She protested, one ear flicking forward, sending the earring jingling.
Disappointed, the young girl protested. "But I'm a pwincess! Pwetty pweaaassee!"
Anise's protest and make believe never ceased to get her brother's attention or earning her an amused smile from the older pokemon.
"You're welcome Vero. Say, if I may offer an alternative to this dilemma?"
Vero sighed into her tea, eyebrows furrowed for a moment, then quirked an eyebrow, flicking her ear towards Alex as a way of 'looking' at him. "As you will, Alex. I really would like to go out today..."
Alex shone his oddly warm smile down at the pink Espur.
Cleaning up the lab
“Twifs bwif unwafcepftwable!” Anise protested, wiggling her amorphous form in Vero's arms.
Veronique sighed. "You didn't complain when it was your brother, just because it's me now, you have a problem? Come on, Anise, stop this. I don't know where to go or anything, and you're supposed to be helping me with the letters to see what you want to do first."
Anise finally managed to roll her head back enough so her mouth wasn't covered by cloth. Annoyed she pointed out the issue. "Big bwother has bwig awms! You'we not holdwing me stwait!"
Finally, she managed to wiggle herself off and hopped on the ground, sighing loudly in relief.
"Let's fowget that, I'lll gwuide you fwom the gwound. Whewe you wanna gwo fwist?" She asked after catching up her short breath.
"I'm sorry that we're just about the same size, Anise, there's not much I can personally do about that." She paused as Anise hopped down, and knelt down to her eye level "Well, the Trackers and scholars both have something similar, just two different ways to go about it. We might convince someone to come watch us at the Trackers place. You might be better at convincing them than I am, honestly. We can then return with them to help clean up their labs, then you can have your picture drawn by the Artisan bayleef and I'll fix us all lunch. After that... there's a Mawile who's asking for a survey to be taken, which should be simple enough...Hm. I'm not sure how we'd to the other two. The other two is a bully who apparently has a code of honor. Not sure how that works." Veronique spoke, pulling the papers from her cloak to read them off again.
"Mhmmm... Well the Scwolaw's gwuild is over thewe, down the woad. The twackews ar at the edje of town and we can see the... Oh huh, wight... the awtistant's guild's a small walk fwom hewe. So... Oh, don't youbhave to gwo see the Keepews too?"
"Artisans and keepers will be later on, their tasks are simple and can be done after I'm tired and need a break. Plus cooking for the Artisans is also an act of Charity." Veronique answered. "Anyway, lets start with the Scholars and trackers. I doubt we'll find much of a problem with the tasks they pose." She answered, using a corner of Anise's blanket to rub the top of her head, starting to walk toward the direction the Goomy had pointed for the scholar's building. "One of the keepers, the Mawile, is walking around with the questionaire, so we may encounter them at any point in time. They're a member of the keepers' faction."
“That woud be Madwa wight? Oh you think she is giwing test?! I woud do the test! I'm good at test!“ Anise proclaimed proudly, following on Vero's trail.
It did occur early on however that the espur was now leading. ”Huh... Vewo... you know whewe you gowing...?” She pointed out with interrest.
"Vaguely. You said it was this way when you pointed...but its impolite to let a princess go unescorted, even if they do choose to walk. Im sure you are capable of letting me know when im about to pass it." Vero said, covering what otherwise would have seemed as an oversight.
Anise's eyes brightned up when Vero called her a princess and made her lips curls into a mile-long smile. Overjoyed, the small Goomy happily followed right behind her royal guard, more than willing to guide her to their noble destination.
“Will do Vewo! Will do!” She replied with excitement.
Vero hummed to herself as she walked, not sure of what the tune actually was but she found it comforting none the less. At least she had made Anise happy, the Goomy was a nightmare to deal with when she waw upset.
It didn't took more than fifteen minutes before Anise stopped Vero. "We'he hewe!" Motioning to the building on her left. The Scholar's guild wasn't a stranger's den to Anise, but it was the first time she came here without her big brother and for a moment' the change in perspective did awe the girl at the sheer size of the place.
Vero stopped on a dime, twisting in the same way that Anise had looked without a comment. “Well, then we should see about asking... Chandra it says here? To join us at the Tracker's training grounds so that we might accomplish two things at once.” Veronique spoke quietly. “I don't really know her, so I think perhaps you're the better choice here?” She asked, looking down at the Goomy.
Anise took a small moment to answer, snapping out of whatever held her selective attention.
“Huh, oh, yes, big bwother sais Chandwa's the one in chawge, but she's not likewy to be doing the obsuvation... I don't know if they'll have somone to spawe, but we can ask!” She finally chimmed with enthousiams.
Veronique raised an eyebrow at the insinuation of the girl. Somehow it didn't seem right, but she supposed that Chandra wouldn't like to be taken out of her element... But then the final line caught her eye. "Oh, I'm such a dummy... it says that it's likely that they're out and about anyway... Oh well, we can clean up the labs while we're here and get that out of the way." Vero shrugged, stepping toward the building. "Apparently two students here are going to help with the efforts, so they could probably tell us what has yet to be done."
Anise took a look at Vero and followed with unease.
“I dun think that's a good idea Vewo... I mean, you can help, but I'm...”
She figured Vero'd get the idea pretty quickly. after all she'd love to spen her days in the libraries of the Scholar's guild, but there was a reason she came around with her borther and not alone.
"You can fly." Veronique reminded her. "It'll be good practice for you, and I know how well your goo attracts dust, so you can always spread it on one of their dusters to make it super effective." She paused, turning to face the Goomy again, "But if that's what's worrying you, yes, you can sit on a stool and watch or read a book, I shouldn't take long." She answered. "Even shorter if..." She trailed off and flicked an earring. "There's... a dark type here." She muttered.
Anise looked the other way, childishly insulted.
"I dun't fly, I flutter... Technically..."
She did pout for a moment, unapreciative of Vero's missunderstanding of her limitations. She tagged along still, unhapply looking awat from her. Only when the Espur mutter did she stop to refocus on the situation more seriously.
Veronique would have commented on Anise's 'technicality' but being as she had a black spot in her vision that kept moving around, her attention was elsewhere. “There's... a dark type here. I have a black spot in my vision that I can't see in, and the closer I get to it, the more I'm not going to be able to see...” She actually sounded a bit apprehensive. She had never been 'truly' blind, at least not since she was very young.
Anise blinked, confused. "But thewe's a lot of dawk types in town... Wait you saying all dawk types makwe it hawdew fow you to see?"
The dragoness stopped for a moment to ponder in the issue. She obviously knew Vero couldn't see past her goo, but this was the first tine this issue occured before her and already it occuped her thoughts about how this specific handicap could be solved.
"As long as I don't get too close to them I can still see. Getting close to them is what causes the problem." Vero tried to explain. "Dark types aren't effected by psychic energy and that's what I use to see. They absorb it instead of it bouncing off of them."
"Oh like a Zubat! I get it."
Anise nodded as they finally made their way in the offices of the scholar guild.
"Would you see bettew if you fouces youw sight away fwom the dawk type?" Anise questionned, interrested about the nature of Vero's powers.
"Zubat use sound, not energy, but the concept is similar yes. No, angling my sight away from them wouldn't help because they sort of attract the energy, like a whirlpool pulls boats down to the center." She answered with a sigh. "The most I can do is stay away from them at a distance I could still see... which since they're over there..." Veronique pointed up and to the left of her. "And this lab is dirty..." She pointed to the door on the right. "I think that that's doable. We don't have to tell them we're doing it, right? Should be a sign in sheet here and we can state what we're doing as well as the time...." She spoke as she opened the door, greeted by a wave of dust that didn't seem to phase her. "When was the last time THIS one was used, I wonder..."
”How can you be unphased by that and yet shiver when I'm giving you hugs...” Anise pointed out as she attemped best she could to avoid the dust cloud. she made way away from it, avoiding it like some sort of plague or evil monster.
“I'm... gonna go fill the ledgew and such... I'll dry out if I even get close to this floow...“ She proclaimed as she eclipsed herself to the secretary, leaving Vero behind to deal with the mess...
"Oh? But I was going to teach you something else you could do with your fairy princess powers." Veronique answered. "But dust i'm used to... and dust stays on the surface. Your goo seeps into my fur and soaks me to the skin. Also it hinders my sight." She reminded Anise, pulling the dust mop from the cupboard and started to clean the floor, working her way to the sink where she rinsed it off and started spreading out from the center.
Anise did miss the last part of Vero's explaination as she skipped off to register them properly in the paperwork. Once she found the proper books, she picked up a penw ith her mouth and began to write their names and work in it with suprising agility for her method of doing so.
After Anise hopped off, Veronique continued her work, the floors were dusted and mopped, scuffs scrubbed off with care, and the floor polished all as she worked to dust and rid the rest of the room of debris. She had been truthful when she had said she wanted to teach the girl something new, as little birds fluttered around the room, helping Veronique with the work, though every once in a while she had to resummon them. Soon, the room was spotless though, and Veronique washed her hands of it all, signing her time out on the room, then pinged the area to see where Anise had waddled off to. She had, of course, marked her with a strand of energy—so the girl would be easier to find, but that didn't mean that she knew the layout of the labs, or the path Anise took to get there. To her dismay, the ping seemed to have attracted the attention of the dark type she was trying to avoid, as it was heading in her direction...
Anise had spent the past half hour Vero took to fully clean the lab browsing the various ledgers and reccords about lab usage, tryign to map out the classes and getting an idea of the activities occurring in the guild. Of course she didn't had access to private informations of any sort, btu she eventually mapped out the average day and began to math out the average day, then week, to the point she eventually could make amusing predictions she'd only be able to confirm by comming back in a week to check the legders again.
All this fun however, did prevent her form returning to her guardian, putting her quite late on the clock.
Veronique tried to find her way back to Anise, annoyed that she couldn't find her way to the Goomy, and that the dark type was getting closer and closer. Finally though, she managed to catch a glance of a door, and went inside, ending up in the room with the Goomy, if at opposite ends. “Ah, I found you! My work is done, the area is all clean...Can we leave now?” Vero spoke rather quickly.
By the itme Vero returned, Anise was nose deep into books and scedules. She had mostly figured out the guild's lab usage habits, free times and knew mostly who used which lab onw hat basis according to the publicly available ifnormations and reccords she could find.
“Mhmm? Oh you done? Just gimme a minute, I am almost done looking infowmations hewe.”
“Yes, I've completed the task set before us here, we can head to the tracker's practice area now, and hopefully catch a scholar there as well...” She seemed ill at ease, shifting from foot to foot and edging towards the other half of the room, where she was more likely to be able to see if the dark type opened the door she had just come from. “Please don't dally, Anise, I'd like to be able to get out of here while I can still see...”
Seeing vero being so uneasy snapped Anise back to reality, quickly understanding what the issue was now.
“Oh! Wight! Sowwy... We can go Vewo, I'm sowwy I slowed us down...”
She admitted, hopping down form her stool and looking at the floor in shame.
Veronique nodded and picked up the Goomy by way of the blanket, slipping a bit of it up over her head and horns so that she could give the girl a hug without making it harder on herself. “No worries, Anise, but I am going to get us out of here quickly...So bear with my arms for a bit, I know it's not what you're used to, but it's the best I can do for the moment.” She spoke as she created the three feathers in her hand, and immediately used one charge for a set of wings, which, after a moment, lifted her off the ground. With one beat of the wings, they were off and to the races, blowing through doors and corridors like they weren't even there, until they were outside and up toward the lower branches of the great tree, able to see the scope of the town. The shadow of the great tree loomed over everything, casting a dim lighting over what lay below.
A Mild Workout
“Now then...” Veronique spoke, holding the girl tightly to her so there was no risk of her falling. “Which way did you say it was to the tracker's area...?”
The small Goomy clinged to Varo as if her life depended on it. Being herself rather slow, the experiance of going at this speed was at best a terrifying experiance for the child.
“Staaaaawwwwwwwp! Stttaaaaaawwwwwpppp!”
She nearly yelled in fear but a second on. Once they finally stopped, the young dragoness hid her face in the banket, against Vero chest and began crying in fear.
Veronique hadn't heard the girl due to the wind in her ears, but she certainly heard her as they were hovering. “Anise...?” She turned her head down to the Goomy in her arms, a social reaction as she felt the echoes of her fear. “Anise... I'd never do anything that will hurt you, you know that, right?” She swallowed, fearing that she had done something that would scar the kid and hinder her trust.
Anise sniffles, crying and shivering in fear.
“Dun go that fast... It's scawwy... It's suppew scawwy...”
“Sorry, Anise, I was a little freaked out... I've been able to see ever sense I learned this trick. Huh, I wonder who taught me...I know I was taught by someone, but I can't remember who... How annoying...” She paused after getting lost in her own thoughts. “Anyway, Anise, if you chose to trade in your Beautifly styled wings for those of a Beedril or Togetic, you could fly at the speeds I do too... You don't have to be afraid. Especially not in my arms, okay?”
“I dun wanna... Gowing fast is scawwy... Pwease don't gwo fast...”
Anise cried in Vero's arms, accepting the comforting feelings, but obviously not at all at ease about going quite the speed Veronique went.
"Only when necessary then... Like I said, I was freaking out too, Anise. Yeah I'm older, but I still get scared... And right now, I'm a stranger in this place, if I can't see, I can get lost again. I'm almost to where I might be able to function in your home without my sight, but certainly not out here." She tried to explain. Veronique had always enjoyed the feeling of flight and the breeze through her fur, though she supposed that for a being that had to have mucus all over them, the idea of going fast would be akin to that of hurting themselves, since they could easily dry out at high speeds, but that was why Vero had covered the girl with her blanket, to prevent that... It wouldn't help, though, now she needed to wait for Anise to get back to her normal self and instruct her, so that they might be able to continue with the tasks that were set before them this day.
Anise cried out for a few more minutes before finally calming down and returning to her normal self. The dragoness sniffled a few more times, nudging the blanket against Vero.
“I-I'm bettew now... W-We can gow to the ne-next gwuild...”
It was obvious the girl was still upset, but she seemingly bore no ill against her compagnion.
“Good, glad to have you back to yourself. Now we need to meet Marble for some training, she has requested that we show her our moves. Hopefully someone else has had the same idea, and there will be a member of the scholar's guild there as well, allowing us to do two tasks at once.” Veronique spoke. “I know you said that they were out on the edge of the town, but which edge?”
Anise sniffled.
“It's about fi-fifteen minut that way...”
She pointed her left horn towards the guild's building, making no attempts to hop back on the ground just yet.
Veronique tilted her head. "I see the guild building, but the bit with Marble said that it was in a training field in the forest. Hmmm..." Veronique twisted one of her ears around and lifted it, sending a sharp pulse of psychic energy through the air, and back to her before she closed it. "Actually, got it...And I think I know where everything in town is now as well... At least if you can describe buildings to me for me to label them on my mental map." She answered, starting a leisurely pace toward the training fields, tail streaming behind her as she did her best to remain upright while moving to keep her speed at a minimum for the smaller Goomy girl.
“I-I don't know whewe the twaining field is... Big Bwo sais it's dangewous fow me to gow thewe alone and he doesn't gow...”
Anise told Vero right before she explored the whole town with her psychic sight. The action itself did peek the girl's interrest, but she remained mostly quiet still as Vero carried her, shanken by her day's ordeal.
A short flight later, Veronique landed and knelt upon the ground, setting Anise down as she twisted her head around. “You don't need to worry about things being unsafe here, this is the tracker's area after all... and we were invited.” The Espurr said, rubbing the girl's head through the blanket. “Ah, look there's one of the Scholar's guild, so yes, it seems as though someone else did have the same idea.” She answered. “Now I just need to speak with Marble and have something set up...A partial memory...” She muttered. “Why don't you just have a seat, princess, and let me handle this one...?”
Anise nodded and made her way to the nearest fence posts and climbed up the nearly vertical surface effortlessly, making her way ontop of it to get a better view of the training fied despite her small stature.
“All wight Vewo. You show 'em!”
Veronique spoke to Marble, and two other grass type pokemon, both of whom were Roselia. Marble had laughed at the idea of such a difficult challenge, but allowed it, pointing to a bunch of small posts that were put into the ground. After a nod, Veronique and Marble headed over, and Veronique hopped up, while the two Roselia took up positions around them. The attention that was being given to this test, also attracted the attention of the Scholar's guild representative in the area, just as Vero got into position.
One foot was situated on the post in the center, the other against the knee as she brought her hidden power back into existence. One feather from her hand was plucked and turned into a sword, the others remained as feathers in her palm. The sword was raised to the sky, and the feathers pressed against her body, looking much like a fan. Once she had taken up this position, Marble spoke one word: “Begin!”
The two Roselia began with their attacks circling the girl, a petal blizzard and magical leaf, which circled closer. To top it off, Marble seemed to be picking up... a large boulder? Veronique waited until the first of the magical leaves came closer, and split it down the middle with her sword, the shock causing the other Roselia to loosen her concentration on her petal blizzard and the petals started to fall straight down. In a blink of an eye and a flash of hidden power, at the cost of one of the remaining feathers of her 'fan' all of the petals were sliced in half diagonally. Lastly, Marble threw the boulder into the ring; allowing for the first time anyone could have seen Veronique move, but it was still only a flick of the ear. One remaining feather, but six lines of energy appeared on the stone before it shattered apart under the touch of a finger as it would have hit Veronique, harmlessly falling to the ground to the sides of the posts.
“I trust that this proves our ability to the trackers?” Veronique spoke calmly, easily walking on the posts to Marble, dismissing the last feather to thin air, and caught the last leaf of the magical leaf before it could strike the Machoke.
“Are you really blind...?” Marble spoke incredulously.
“Of course I am.” Veronique tapped her foot impatiently.
“I don't believe it... I mean I can't believe it...”
“I do believe I asked a question. However, I will take your disbelief as a 'yes'.” Vero said, then hopped down from the wood, noting the Kricketot scribbling down notes in his booklet. “And this filled the requirements for the task of the scholars too, yes?”
“Dohohoho! Yes, quite! I've written everything that you did down here in my book, but what move was that, my dear?”
“Why, Hidden Power, of course, Flying type.” Veronique spoke.
“Jolly good then, I'll have them file this away and note your reputation for your assistance.”
“Thank you.”, as Veronique spoke, she headed towards the young Goomy. “So... how was that? See, going fast isn't always a bad thing.”
Picture Perfect Ramen
Anise frowned at her partner, amused, but unhappy about that statement.
“I nevew said it wasn't, I said it was scawwy and I didn't like it!” she protested vividly. “But that was a supewb display, I luved it!“ She then complimented “You'we gweat Vewo!”
“No, that was nothing...” Veronique waved her off. “That was rather good practice though...Now... with that one done...” She spoke, pulling out the piece of paper from the pocket of her cloak. “We've completed both of the scholar's tasks, and one of the two tracker's tasks. Being as your brother would probably kill me if we did the other one, we'll move on to the Artisans. I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty hungry.”
Anise gave Vero a slightly disappointed look, tilting her whole body to the left.
“You mean I'm not showin Mawble my moves?”
The small girl did look disappointed hearing the news, but the prospect of food did made her smile.
“Food sounds good, what awe we eatin?“ She asked the Espurr with her unaturally large smile.
“Not needed this time, my lady. Best to keep your fairy powers a secret, wouldn't you think?” She mimicked a wink at the Goomy. “Well, yes, food, the Artisans asked for help with their play, so we're going to help by providing food. To be honest I'm not that good at making costumes or anything, but the least we can do is fix them some food, right? I was thinking perhaps some ramen. Feeds a lot of people and is rather easy to make and keep warm for those who are absorbed in their work... And while I'm getting things ready you can have your picture painted and show it around to others, sound good?”
Anise tilted to the right this time, looking puzzled, but intrigued.
“Wamen...? What's wamen?”
As she questionned Vero, Anise made her way down formt he post and began to make her way toward the Artisant's Guildhall, showign Vero the way there, the 'normal' way.
"Ramen. You've had it when I've cooked. It has green onion, noodles and many other things that others can put in themselves. Like vegetables and thinly sliced meats and even soft boiled eggs." Vero explained as she followed the girl's lead. "Its filling, customisable and easy to make."
“Oh, is that what you sewved me and big bwother the othew day? It was good... But it was hawd to eat...“ Anise complained.
“Say, whewe... Well, mowe how did you know how to do that with Secwet Powew Vewo? That look nothing like how big bwother taught me!” She finally pointed out, curious about it.
"Hidden power is a unique move that mimics other moves appearance at a lower power. It can't mimic extra things like confusing the target." Vero explained. "For instance, the wings I create mimic fly, the sword is air slash. The feathers are the source of things... like a charge stone holds only so much energy before it explodes. If I run out of feathers I need to expend more energy to create more. I could create a lot of them at once but that would wear me out and take a lot of time. However, while the feathers still exist I could use them as a move as well. Gust, wing attack... something like that." Vero smiled. "Eating ramen will be easier for you after you get limbs other than your horns. Then you can use chopsticks or a fork."
“Well it shucks.” The dragoness returned, still not quite pleased with the answer as the two of them arrived at the Artisant's guild main entrance.
“Hewe we awe. You wanna go intwoduce youwself and tell them how you wanna help? I know whewe the awt gallewy is, I'll go ask fow my pictuwe.” Anise's works were more of a declaration than a question, pretty much deciding how things were going to go this time instead of letting Vero do as she may have liked.
"That works well." Veronique stated simply, toying with the button on her cape before heading forward through the door. "Meet you back here in an hour or so? And be sure to show your picture around to see what others think!"
“Huh Vewo...” Anise objected shyly. “You can come and pick me up at the awt gallewy? I... Well I dun't want to wuin the painting Fwankie will make of me...” She pointed out. Rarely did Anise imply she would ruin something, but when it came to art, she knew first hand how much of a disaster she was. Much to her displeasure.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, sure, we can do that." Vero said, realizing the issue almost as soon as it came up. "Though I will be hopefully carrying home some food as well..." She nodded, then headed off to the others in the area, relieved to find that there weren't any dark types in the area.
Anise gave her a relieved smile and headed up to the studio by herself. once in there, she just skipped by another pokemon heading down with a rather strange portrait. The girls was abotu to ask to see it, but the (Insert possible cameo here?) hid it away and rushed down the stairs, seemingly shy or unhappy with the painting. This suprised Anise, who headed much more hesitantly in the studio.
“He-hellow...?” She asked nervously.
“Ah just in time! Were you next? Must be you're here. Ah take place on the stool and let's see... Oh yes, I know, let's try... This?”
Anise took place with some difficulties, but the artist, a rather colorful Bayleef, had already begun her work before the Goomy was even in place! This made Anise question how this even worked! None the less, she stood there, sometimes moving, nervourly anticipating something that wouldn't look like her. The painter hardly even looked her way! Taking but a quick glance here and there, but it was quite clear in the Bayleef's excitement to work, she wasn't giving Anise any attention, which left her quite uncomfortable.
Veronique spoke quickly with the semisage in charge, quietly explaining that she was going to be cooking them all a meal while they prepared and asked to be shown to the kitchen. With the monkey leading the way and chattering, Vero had the chance to ask a few questions about the supplies in the kitchen and figure out what she would need to provide herself. The kitchen was, unsurprisingly, empty. From here she could hear the musicians practicing for the play, and amused herself by creating the dough to the rhythm of the music. She had no need for the pasta maker, opting to cut the noodles uniformly by hand, relying on muscle memory for the majority of things as she went over other things in her head. 'Onions and miso, tofu boiled and prepped, eggs simmering in water for perfectly soft boiled eggs...what else? Best to stay away from any meats... mushrooms instead? May as well...'
Eventually, Frankie began to ask Anise to stay still, which at first suprised the dragoness who wasn't expecting it, but reassured she WAS indeed the painter's attention now, the girl complied happily. From there, it felt like eternity. Anise realized that staying still was not quite her cup of tea and ofthen, she had to be asked again to stay still by the Bayleef painter. Once eternity reached it's end, the small Goomy was given the rigth to move again and got to see what matter of painting she had become the focus of.
Once all the food was prepared, Veronique enlisted the help of more of her little bird sprites and her own arms, bringing it down to the stage and setting things up on warmers, then broke the other's conversations with a sharp whistle, announcing that the food was ready, then stood back while the others stampeded toward the food with bowls and disposable chopsticks, as well as forks for those who were less capable of using such things, and hoped that there would be something left. In the meantime, she went to see how the painting was coming along. She was tracing the line back to Anise when she noted another with a painting, and figured that she must be on the right track.
Anise's picture was soon done and after traiding a few words with the painter and exchanging a few amusing words with one another as Anise finally got to see the painting itself. There were others waiting so Anise simply asked for a little help to set her portrait on another stand while she awaited Vero's return, not wanting to risk ruining the work.
Veronique made her way up to the room, knocking first, since she didn't want to bump into anyone, then entered after a moment. “Ready to go, Anise?” She asked, moving to where the girl was situated.
Anise turned around to face Vero, smilling widly at her as she radiated with happyness.
”Vewo look! Doesn't it wook just like me?!”
She pointed out, motioning at the painting with her horns, again accidentally forgetting the dissability of her friend.
“...I'm sure it does, Anise, though I am not the best person to ask about visual aspects of flat portraits. I can say that the energy that was put into the painting was quite joyous though.” The Espurr spoke, trying to sound dismissive about it, as she understood that the young girl had not intended to point out one of her flaws, and had merely forgotten something she hadn't considered important. Which, since Veronique could behave without issue normally, she supposed it was an easy detail for the Goomy to forget.
Anise's expression darkned in shame once she realized her misstake. So happy had she been abut the painting she completly oversaw her guardian's handicap.
“I-I'm so sowwy Vewo! I... I-I... So...”
The girl soon began sobbing again, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
"Don't worry about it. It's an easy detail to forget." Veronique waved it off. "Just don't expect me to tell you how something looks on you as you get older. The most I can do is lie and tell you you look fine." She answered, picking up the painting carefully in one hand. "I left the ramen and the other things back at the main hall though, so we'll need to stop back there on our way out."
Anise sniffled a few more times, nodding in agreement. Deep inside she felt horrible right now, not being in her nature to deliberatly insult someone, less so a friend and house guest. She followed Vero closly and silently, looking down infront of her, ashamed of herself.
Vero noted the silence of her companion, but let her brood until they got back to the area with the food, and quickly packed them three lunches. “Anise... You know you're going to lose your sight when you evolve, right...? How have you prepared for that? Have you at all?”
Anise shyed slightly at the comments, dismissing it quickly.
”I... Big Bwother said I woud have a teatcher of sowt to show me...”
The idea wasn't quite strong with anise still, making her uneasy.
“I see... figuratively. Sounds like he's got things handled then. Perhaps then, you'll have an appreciation for the sight you'll regain...and understand why I freak out near a dark type too.” Veronique spoke calmly. “Lets show this picture around, shall we? See if we can get any good reviews on the Bayleaf's work.” She put the boxes on her back and headed for the doorway.
Anise did smile a little and nodded, following right behind her.
“You suwe you don't want me to cawwy the food at least? I can't wuin bowls...” she pointed out, trying to at least offer some assistance.
"The seal is a little sloppy, I wouldn't want you to get burned if it spilled." She answered. "After the painting is dry though your mucous won't be able to hurt it so you can carry that."
Charity to Those who Need it
They stopped around the town, offering up the painting for inspection, mostly saying that the painting was good ( though perhaps anise's watery eyes put it more in that favor than not.) Along the way, Vero spotted a few pokemon that seemed to have made their home under a low bough of a tree, sort of ramshackle and from the look of things they were just coming to the town with what they had on their backs." Hey Anise? Why don't you take this ramen over to those folks over there? I'm sure they could use a warm meal after such a long trip."
Anise turned around to see just who Vero was talking about. Living in the lower houses meant Anise lived outside the tree and thus crossing the newcomers was a common sight. These however... did brought the dragoness' comfort and pity. She knew those lunches were for Vero, her brother and herself, but Vero was right, they needed it far more than she'd ever. With a smile, she used her horns to take the ramens form Vero and brought them to the poor newcomers. She did spent some time checking in with them and when everything was set and done, she returned to Vero, moving lightly with a bright smile as she was waved goodbye by the poorer pokemons she had just helped.
Vero waited while Anise took the food over to the new mon, hands behind her back with the painting to boot, meaning she wasn't surprised when she got a comment from behind her.
“Oh? That's a cute little Goomy you have painted there, and a charitable one too!” Veronique turned to face the source of the voice. Most of the creature was coated in white, but from the look of the shape of the creature, she was a Lucario.
“She is, I'm sure her brother is proud of her.”
“Were you intending to take the trial of charity? This does fill its requirements.”
“I'm not sure what that is, other than a task for the keepers, which we were intending to do...right about now actually. We were on our way to see a Keeper named...Gemma?”
“That would be me, yes! Since you've already completed it, I'll just go ahead and give you the reward. Thank you for being so kind.” She answered, offering up an ankh shaped item. “It will allow you to use heal pulse for every charitable deed you do, so be sure to keep it charged! Oh, and there's the matter of our favor, do you have a name that you'd like this to go under...?”
“Distant Horizons.” Veronique spoke, not even thinking about it.
“Huh, that's an interesting one! I'll look forward to reading about your choice from Madras. Also, I can tell you're not around here, and you're using a strange technique, perhaps you'll be willing to them about that too? If not, that's alright, we just enjoy learning and getting information, we keep it safe...maybe like your organization? That cape seems familiar.”
“I'm afraid I don't know much about what you're insinuating...I've lost my memory, so you see, I'm not going to be able to help Madras with the survey very much.” Vero said, taking the ankh from her in one hand.
“Hm hm~ well, we'll have to see about that...I'll see you around! And now that I know you're doing the trials, I'll be sure to check with you to see if you've done them!” Gemma answered, then walked away.
“Such a strange girl...” She muttered, turning back in time to see Anise returning to her.
“Well! With that done, we have one more task to do, and that is to find a Mawile named Madras... and look what our kindness gave us, aside from a warm feeling inside. That was Gemma of the keepers.” She said, holding up the ankh for inspection. “And this will allow us to use heal pulse so long as we keep doing charitable things for others.”
As she returned to her firend's explanation, Anise couldn't help but tilt her head at the comment.
“Vewo... Did you just twick my pity and kindness to get one of big bwother's ewants... That wouldn't be nice.” She pointed out, slightly disappointed.
“Firstly, no, I was the one who asked you to do something for me, knowing that I could just fix us more at home. The fact you empathized with my request was beyond my control. Secondly, she approached me, not the other way around, but I still gave the credit to you because you were the one doing the request. Thirdly, she's the one who offered to take this act as credit for the trials that we were going to do after showing around your picture some more, I merely gratefully accepted her decision claiming it as finished. Fourthly, she also gave a review on the painting, which I believe should be enough to create a proper statistic for Frankie. They should be happy to hear the good news, no? Might be good to just to let me go back and tell them, that would be quicker... but it would leave you here alone for a moment. Think you'd be okay with that?”
Anise gave Vero a reassured smile. “I undewstand... I was a little scawed you twicted me thewe... But I twust you, you'we a nice pokemon Vewo.”
With her youthfull smile back, Anise took a few pace toward a nearby shade and turned around. “I'll be wight hewe Vewo, you can go.” she somewhat directed the Espurr with her playful wanna-be princess tone.
Vero shook her head at Anise before pulling out a set of two feathers, one of which she used immediately to bring out her wings. "I'll be right back." She spoke, then she was off, flying at high speeds that would have made the Goomy screech at her again. In two moments she was back, landing without kicking up more than a small rustle of leaves, not even touching the dust and dirt beneath it.
While Vero was gone, Anise had taken upon herself to secure some shades and enjoy the outdoor. As much as she hated to admit it, she spent way too much time inside reading and studying, so having an excuse to venture outside was more than welcome. The goomy was almost sadden when her partner returned so fast, but knew better than regert being alone for too long. After all, Alexander did warn her to be careful. So, with her ever cheerful smile, she returned to Vero and asked her with enthusiasm :
“So, what did she said?”
"She was happy to hear that her art was so well received. She says to keep it as a thank you, and even did a little sketch of me flying. She also explained that her sketches have a sort of power to them, and that this one would likely allow us to use charm whenever we liked." Vero spoke. "She also happened to know where we could find Madras. They hang out in the shade of the great tree, at the local brew...or cafe, rather. Apparently it makes for a good place to relax and reconnect your thoughts."
Anise was pleased to hear the good news up until the last part, where she frowned with worry.
“Big bro said I shouldn't go there until I'm older... He said it's a grown up place...“
“To a drink shop? That's peculiar... I don't know why he would say that, unless it was at night, then their fruit juices turn a bit... well, fermented.” Veronique shrugged at the statement. “At any rate, we're not going there to socialize, we just need to find Madras. Or, well, I guess you can go home and I can complete this last thing on my own, if you think that your brother knows best.”
Anise shook her head negatively at Vero.
“I can't let you go alone! I pwomised big bwo. Just... We just gotta be cawefull. I mean, big bwo said it was a dangewous place, but I'm safe with you, wight Vewo?” She asked, looking up at the Espur with expectations.
Veronique gave a bow, gracefully sweeping her cape behind her. “Of course, my lady, you're always safe with me.” She spoke eloquently, then stood back up.
Anise couldn't help but giggle with a gleeful smile. "All wight then! I'm weassuwed, lead the... Oh huh, wight. It's this way."
And with that, the small Goomy lead the way back in town, heading for the forbidden cafe.
Interview with a Magi
Veronique followed after the Goomy quietly, a smile on her face after the girl had giggled. At least she was in a good mood again and not worried about the consequences of going somewhere her brother had said she shouldn't. After all, what was so bad about the little brew place. They made a nice tea after all.
As she lead Vero to the small cafe, Anise did slow down midway there to ask her guardian.
”Hey Vewo... Youw my guawdian knight wight? You'll keep me safe?”
The phrasing made Veronique pause, holding her tongue to keep from injuring the young girl, but it struck a chord within her and made her want to tell the girl that she wasn't, instead, she merely replied. "Of course I will keep you safe. I told you and your brother I would after all. What kind of 'mon would I be if I went back on my word?"
“I twust you Vewo. You been Kind and I'm suwe you use to be a nice 'mon. I pwomise I'll help you wemembew who you use to be Vewo.”
Anise spoke honestly toward her, as a friend. Just as she did, the finally reached the said cafe, where the girl stopped at the door, uneasy to step in first.
The Goomy's words made Veronique bring her ears forward, nearly over her eyes. “I'm afraid most of this task will be on you, Anise...I don't remember much, so my interview won't be a long one.” She did, however, note that her companion had stopped at the door, and gently pressed past her, shooting her a smile over her shoulder as she opened the door.
A quiet murmur of noise swept past as well as the jingling of hollow appricorns with wooden balls in them that were being shaped like little chingling mouths. It wasn't overwhelming, just pleasant conversation around many of the tables, and Vero motioned for Anise to follow her inside, walking through the comfortable walk way towards the counter, where a Meinfoo was waiting.
“Hi hi! Welcome! Can I get you something to drink today?”
“Yes, thank you.” Veronique spoke. “A jasmine tea for me, and a Roseli berry soda for my friend, please.”
“We'll bring it right out to you! Have a seat.” The Meinfoo gestured, then, after dismissing her, turned back to the torkoal shell to tend to some savory smelling brews, and retrieved a clay cup from the shelf, and poured a pale green liquid into it.
“Well then,” Vero said, looking down at Anise. “Have you found Madras?”
Anise followed sheepishly behind Vero, intimidated by the place her brother labelled as 'Dangerous' to her. She eyed the room with great care, somewhat scarred of some of the citizen she'd normally feel perfectly fine beign around. This was a big contrast due to the environment.
Still, she gathered in the scene with some degree of forbidden pleasure, the great enjoyment of the unknown and excitement that came with being where she shouldn't be. When Vero finally asked her if she had spotted Madras, she replied with a hushed tone, in the middle between excitement and and nervousness.
“Yes. She's at the second table fourth row formt he entrance.”
"Then let us go greet them." Veronique said simply, walking to the directed table. "Pardon us, Madras, but might we join you for a spell? I heard that you were looking for stories about our lives... though mine will be short."
The Mawile nodded, and directed them to sit across from them, a smile on their lips. "I'm always willing to hear about others, even if I'm in the middle of a tea break. It's one of the few times I actually get out of the great tree... aside from the times I visit the Scholar's guild hall."
“Well I can say a lot!“ anise chimed in, smiling widely as she took place on the seat next to Vero. To Anise, the keeper was far less scary than they outa be, probably due to the cute pink 'headmouth' color.
After a moment however, the girl did realize she stole the spotlight and apologized.
“But I'll wait aftew Vewo, she's the eldest.“
Vero merely smiled, and used Anise's blanket to rub the top of the Goomy's head. "Very well... I'll attempt to go first, if you're ready, Madras." She spoke casually, and waited for the Mawile to get her book ready before beginning.
"I was born in a place called Fanrong. A secluded village somewhere to the north...My mother and father were ordinary, I'm afraid I don't remember their names or faces... I simply know that they were there. I also had a younger brother, though I don't remember..." She trailed off for a moment. "I remember that I was swept away from my family at a young age, for whatever reason... I'm vaguely sure it wasn't a kidnapping but my parents didn't seem happy about it either, I'm not sure why. Truth be told I don't remember much about my family, or myself. I do remember learning to dance, though, that must have been when I was really young. Most of what I remember is from before I became able to see." Vero explained.
"Can you tell me anything about the village itself?" Madras asked.
"It's... well, It was full of banners and arched houses, tiered from wide bases almost to sloping peaks, but there were trees and bamboo everywhere, as well as ponds... I'm not sure what type of export our main one was... but I'm betting it was either paper or sugar. As I said, I was swept away from my family early on so I wasn't... able to learn such things. At least not from them. How frustrating..." Vero sighed. "From there, it's blank until I woke up in Anise's house about two weeks ago...I don't even remember how I learned to focus my attacks the way I did..."
"Interesting... Well, don't strain yourself, you can always come back if you feel that you remember something more." Madras said. "Now then, how about you, little one?"
It took a solid minute for Anise to snap back to reality. She just so enjoyed Vero's explanation way more than how her Brother had explained it! Still, when she finally realized it was her turn, the girl grinned happily and began her fantastical tale.
“I'm fwom a wainy land supew faw away to the west, whewe I'm actually a pwincess fwom mama's housse. I'm being ovewlooked by my big bwother wight now and am leawning all sowt of stuff. I didn't stay home fow too long tho... But it was a supew nice place! We had huge undewgwound houses, unlike youwse build up the twee, ouws wewe build in the woots.”
At this point Anise stopped for a minute to catch her breath, before swiftly resuming for her audience.
“I lived thewe with my big familly, I have so many big bwothers! Well, no I have only one big bwother, but I mean, I have a lots of oldew siblings and I'm the only giwl...”
She again took a break, this time to reflect, searching her words.
“Well... It's just... You don't have a wowd fow it...”
She paused, hoping they understood what she was attempting to explain, but explaining about as well as one would expect a child to describe it.
"Anise... You're supposed to be telling Madras about your real family life, not some make believe situation." Veronique scolded. "I'm sorry about her... she loves to play pretend... I just didn't realize how much it colored the way she saw the world..."
"It's quite alright, I'm a budding artist myself, having many different stories in the works. Why don't you flesh that out some more, Anise? Write a story? Sounds like you have the start of something great there." Madras commented. "I'll take that as your answers for now. As I said, please feel free to meet me in the tree if you care to expand upon it further. However, Anise here has sparked my imagination, and I need to move before it dissipates, see you around."
Like that, Madras was up and floating out the door, her empty glass left on the table. The Meinfoo came and collected it, and set the girl's drinks down in front of each of them at the same time.
Anise didn't protest too much, but she did pout quite a lot, making a point to make it apparent that she was insulted... Well until she took a sip from her drink and returned to her joyful self. Even her slight nervous shivers from being at the Cafe vanished with the sweet relief of her soda, washing away her fears, angers and worries in sweetness.
Veronique likewise took time to enjoy her drink, and when they were both done with them, their glasses empty, Veronique finally pushed Anise to get up. "Alright, time to get home. It's about time for supper and we don't want your brother worrying about us." Vero spoke, stretching as she waited for the Goomy, then the two of them headed out the door for home.
“Good morning. Anything good come in the mail today, Alex?” She asked, smoothing her fur along her arm with a brush.
“Good Morning, Veronique. Actually, yes. The guilds around town have asked for assistance from whomever is willing this day. It would be a good opportunity for you to get to know others around here, and I'm sure Anise would love to go with you...when she wakes up.”
“Anise...? What about you? Would you be coming with us?”
“Sadly no, I have some things to do around the house, and then I need to do my patrol, just in case there's any other cute Espurr that have gotten lost on their way to town. I will check back with you afterward, however.”
It took roughly ten more minutes for Anise to practically sludge herself in the kitchen lazly. The young girl was still half asleep and going about tirely. This brief moment of calmness before she'd get warmed up and woke up enough to storm about was the only time of day the small Goomy wasn't practically bouncing everywhere.
Without a word, Alex helped his sister make her way up at her place on the table before finally adressing his half asleep sister.
“Good morning Anise, I'm glad you joined us for breakfast.” The larger dragon chimed.
Anise nodded with great effort and practically yawned. “G'mworning big bwo, g'mworning Vewo... What we gwot for bweakvast?...”
Vero took up the letters as Alex moved, making sure to only take those that held the title of the factions from the pile. “Ah... I haven't had the opportunity to make it yet..I think it was my turn today. Anise, how would you feel about helping out some of the others in town and showing me around at the same time?” She brushed off the larger amount of slime from the pages, and charged it with energy so that she could read it. “It looks like the artisans have an opportunity to have your picture drawn, and are in return asking for help with their performance, even asking for a hot meal.”
The dragon girl almost fell asleep again on the table as she was listening to Vero's offer, still tired of last night's 'Reaserch' as she'd put it.
Her groogy voice gave a barely decyphrable answer. “If wou cawwy me...”
To help with his sister's fatigue, Alxed came back at the table, setting down a pair of cup filled with tea for the girls. “Ladies, your morning tea.” the older brother declaired on an amused regal tone.
Of course, Anise loss not a moment and pressed her mouth at the edge, inclining the cup slightly and took a sip of the warm drink.
“Ah, thank you, smells like a lovely brew.” She paused at Anise's answer. “You know I can't see if I carry you. We'd both get lost.” She protested, one ear flicking forward, sending the earring jingling.
Disappointed, the young girl protested. "But I'm a pwincess! Pwetty pweaaassee!"
Anise's protest and make believe never ceased to get her brother's attention or earning her an amused smile from the older pokemon.
"You're welcome Vero. Say, if I may offer an alternative to this dilemma?"
Vero sighed into her tea, eyebrows furrowed for a moment, then quirked an eyebrow, flicking her ear towards Alex as a way of 'looking' at him. "As you will, Alex. I really would like to go out today..."
Alex shone his oddly warm smile down at the pink Espur.
Cleaning up the lab
“Twifs bwif unwafcepftwable!” Anise protested, wiggling her amorphous form in Vero's arms.
Veronique sighed. "You didn't complain when it was your brother, just because it's me now, you have a problem? Come on, Anise, stop this. I don't know where to go or anything, and you're supposed to be helping me with the letters to see what you want to do first."
Anise finally managed to roll her head back enough so her mouth wasn't covered by cloth. Annoyed she pointed out the issue. "Big bwother has bwig awms! You'we not holdwing me stwait!"
Finally, she managed to wiggle herself off and hopped on the ground, sighing loudly in relief.
"Let's fowget that, I'lll gwuide you fwom the gwound. Whewe you wanna gwo fwist?" She asked after catching up her short breath.
"I'm sorry that we're just about the same size, Anise, there's not much I can personally do about that." She paused as Anise hopped down, and knelt down to her eye level "Well, the Trackers and scholars both have something similar, just two different ways to go about it. We might convince someone to come watch us at the Trackers place. You might be better at convincing them than I am, honestly. We can then return with them to help clean up their labs, then you can have your picture drawn by the Artisan bayleef and I'll fix us all lunch. After that... there's a Mawile who's asking for a survey to be taken, which should be simple enough...Hm. I'm not sure how we'd to the other two. The other two is a bully who apparently has a code of honor. Not sure how that works." Veronique spoke, pulling the papers from her cloak to read them off again.
"Mhmmm... Well the Scwolaw's gwuild is over thewe, down the woad. The twackews ar at the edje of town and we can see the... Oh huh, wight... the awtistant's guild's a small walk fwom hewe. So... Oh, don't youbhave to gwo see the Keepews too?"
"Artisans and keepers will be later on, their tasks are simple and can be done after I'm tired and need a break. Plus cooking for the Artisans is also an act of Charity." Veronique answered. "Anyway, lets start with the Scholars and trackers. I doubt we'll find much of a problem with the tasks they pose." She answered, using a corner of Anise's blanket to rub the top of her head, starting to walk toward the direction the Goomy had pointed for the scholar's building. "One of the keepers, the Mawile, is walking around with the questionaire, so we may encounter them at any point in time. They're a member of the keepers' faction."
“That woud be Madwa wight? Oh you think she is giwing test?! I woud do the test! I'm good at test!“ Anise proclaimed proudly, following on Vero's trail.
It did occur early on however that the espur was now leading. ”Huh... Vewo... you know whewe you gowing...?” She pointed out with interrest.
"Vaguely. You said it was this way when you pointed...but its impolite to let a princess go unescorted, even if they do choose to walk. Im sure you are capable of letting me know when im about to pass it." Vero said, covering what otherwise would have seemed as an oversight.
Anise's eyes brightned up when Vero called her a princess and made her lips curls into a mile-long smile. Overjoyed, the small Goomy happily followed right behind her royal guard, more than willing to guide her to their noble destination.
“Will do Vewo! Will do!” She replied with excitement.
Vero hummed to herself as she walked, not sure of what the tune actually was but she found it comforting none the less. At least she had made Anise happy, the Goomy was a nightmare to deal with when she waw upset.
It didn't took more than fifteen minutes before Anise stopped Vero. "We'he hewe!" Motioning to the building on her left. The Scholar's guild wasn't a stranger's den to Anise, but it was the first time she came here without her big brother and for a moment' the change in perspective did awe the girl at the sheer size of the place.
Vero stopped on a dime, twisting in the same way that Anise had looked without a comment. “Well, then we should see about asking... Chandra it says here? To join us at the Tracker's training grounds so that we might accomplish two things at once.” Veronique spoke quietly. “I don't really know her, so I think perhaps you're the better choice here?” She asked, looking down at the Goomy.
Anise took a small moment to answer, snapping out of whatever held her selective attention.
“Huh, oh, yes, big bwother sais Chandwa's the one in chawge, but she's not likewy to be doing the obsuvation... I don't know if they'll have somone to spawe, but we can ask!” She finally chimmed with enthousiams.
Veronique raised an eyebrow at the insinuation of the girl. Somehow it didn't seem right, but she supposed that Chandra wouldn't like to be taken out of her element... But then the final line caught her eye. "Oh, I'm such a dummy... it says that it's likely that they're out and about anyway... Oh well, we can clean up the labs while we're here and get that out of the way." Vero shrugged, stepping toward the building. "Apparently two students here are going to help with the efforts, so they could probably tell us what has yet to be done."
Anise took a look at Vero and followed with unease.
“I dun think that's a good idea Vewo... I mean, you can help, but I'm...”
She figured Vero'd get the idea pretty quickly. after all she'd love to spen her days in the libraries of the Scholar's guild, but there was a reason she came around with her borther and not alone.
"You can fly." Veronique reminded her. "It'll be good practice for you, and I know how well your goo attracts dust, so you can always spread it on one of their dusters to make it super effective." She paused, turning to face the Goomy again, "But if that's what's worrying you, yes, you can sit on a stool and watch or read a book, I shouldn't take long." She answered. "Even shorter if..." She trailed off and flicked an earring. "There's... a dark type here." She muttered.
Anise looked the other way, childishly insulted.
"I dun't fly, I flutter... Technically..."
She did pout for a moment, unapreciative of Vero's missunderstanding of her limitations. She tagged along still, unhapply looking awat from her. Only when the Espur mutter did she stop to refocus on the situation more seriously.
Veronique would have commented on Anise's 'technicality' but being as she had a black spot in her vision that kept moving around, her attention was elsewhere. “There's... a dark type here. I have a black spot in my vision that I can't see in, and the closer I get to it, the more I'm not going to be able to see...” She actually sounded a bit apprehensive. She had never been 'truly' blind, at least not since she was very young.
Anise blinked, confused. "But thewe's a lot of dawk types in town... Wait you saying all dawk types makwe it hawdew fow you to see?"
The dragoness stopped for a moment to ponder in the issue. She obviously knew Vero couldn't see past her goo, but this was the first tine this issue occured before her and already it occuped her thoughts about how this specific handicap could be solved.
"As long as I don't get too close to them I can still see. Getting close to them is what causes the problem." Vero tried to explain. "Dark types aren't effected by psychic energy and that's what I use to see. They absorb it instead of it bouncing off of them."
"Oh like a Zubat! I get it."
Anise nodded as they finally made their way in the offices of the scholar guild.
"Would you see bettew if you fouces youw sight away fwom the dawk type?" Anise questionned, interrested about the nature of Vero's powers.
"Zubat use sound, not energy, but the concept is similar yes. No, angling my sight away from them wouldn't help because they sort of attract the energy, like a whirlpool pulls boats down to the center." She answered with a sigh. "The most I can do is stay away from them at a distance I could still see... which since they're over there..." Veronique pointed up and to the left of her. "And this lab is dirty..." She pointed to the door on the right. "I think that that's doable. We don't have to tell them we're doing it, right? Should be a sign in sheet here and we can state what we're doing as well as the time...." She spoke as she opened the door, greeted by a wave of dust that didn't seem to phase her. "When was the last time THIS one was used, I wonder..."
”How can you be unphased by that and yet shiver when I'm giving you hugs...” Anise pointed out as she attemped best she could to avoid the dust cloud. she made way away from it, avoiding it like some sort of plague or evil monster.
“I'm... gonna go fill the ledgew and such... I'll dry out if I even get close to this floow...“ She proclaimed as she eclipsed herself to the secretary, leaving Vero behind to deal with the mess...
"Oh? But I was going to teach you something else you could do with your fairy princess powers." Veronique answered. "But dust i'm used to... and dust stays on the surface. Your goo seeps into my fur and soaks me to the skin. Also it hinders my sight." She reminded Anise, pulling the dust mop from the cupboard and started to clean the floor, working her way to the sink where she rinsed it off and started spreading out from the center.
Anise did miss the last part of Vero's explaination as she skipped off to register them properly in the paperwork. Once she found the proper books, she picked up a penw ith her mouth and began to write their names and work in it with suprising agility for her method of doing so.
After Anise hopped off, Veronique continued her work, the floors were dusted and mopped, scuffs scrubbed off with care, and the floor polished all as she worked to dust and rid the rest of the room of debris. She had been truthful when she had said she wanted to teach the girl something new, as little birds fluttered around the room, helping Veronique with the work, though every once in a while she had to resummon them. Soon, the room was spotless though, and Veronique washed her hands of it all, signing her time out on the room, then pinged the area to see where Anise had waddled off to. She had, of course, marked her with a strand of energy—so the girl would be easier to find, but that didn't mean that she knew the layout of the labs, or the path Anise took to get there. To her dismay, the ping seemed to have attracted the attention of the dark type she was trying to avoid, as it was heading in her direction...
Anise had spent the past half hour Vero took to fully clean the lab browsing the various ledgers and reccords about lab usage, tryign to map out the classes and getting an idea of the activities occurring in the guild. Of course she didn't had access to private informations of any sort, btu she eventually mapped out the average day and began to math out the average day, then week, to the point she eventually could make amusing predictions she'd only be able to confirm by comming back in a week to check the legders again.
All this fun however, did prevent her form returning to her guardian, putting her quite late on the clock.
Veronique tried to find her way back to Anise, annoyed that she couldn't find her way to the Goomy, and that the dark type was getting closer and closer. Finally though, she managed to catch a glance of a door, and went inside, ending up in the room with the Goomy, if at opposite ends. “Ah, I found you! My work is done, the area is all clean...Can we leave now?” Vero spoke rather quickly.
By the itme Vero returned, Anise was nose deep into books and scedules. She had mostly figured out the guild's lab usage habits, free times and knew mostly who used which lab onw hat basis according to the publicly available ifnormations and reccords she could find.
“Mhmm? Oh you done? Just gimme a minute, I am almost done looking infowmations hewe.”
“Yes, I've completed the task set before us here, we can head to the tracker's practice area now, and hopefully catch a scholar there as well...” She seemed ill at ease, shifting from foot to foot and edging towards the other half of the room, where she was more likely to be able to see if the dark type opened the door she had just come from. “Please don't dally, Anise, I'd like to be able to get out of here while I can still see...”
Seeing vero being so uneasy snapped Anise back to reality, quickly understanding what the issue was now.
“Oh! Wight! Sowwy... We can go Vewo, I'm sowwy I slowed us down...”
She admitted, hopping down form her stool and looking at the floor in shame.
Veronique nodded and picked up the Goomy by way of the blanket, slipping a bit of it up over her head and horns so that she could give the girl a hug without making it harder on herself. “No worries, Anise, but I am going to get us out of here quickly...So bear with my arms for a bit, I know it's not what you're used to, but it's the best I can do for the moment.” She spoke as she created the three feathers in her hand, and immediately used one charge for a set of wings, which, after a moment, lifted her off the ground. With one beat of the wings, they were off and to the races, blowing through doors and corridors like they weren't even there, until they were outside and up toward the lower branches of the great tree, able to see the scope of the town. The shadow of the great tree loomed over everything, casting a dim lighting over what lay below.
A Mild Workout
“Now then...” Veronique spoke, holding the girl tightly to her so there was no risk of her falling. “Which way did you say it was to the tracker's area...?”
The small Goomy clinged to Varo as if her life depended on it. Being herself rather slow, the experiance of going at this speed was at best a terrifying experiance for the child.
“Staaaaawwwwwwwp! Stttaaaaaawwwwwpppp!”
She nearly yelled in fear but a second on. Once they finally stopped, the young dragoness hid her face in the banket, against Vero chest and began crying in fear.
Veronique hadn't heard the girl due to the wind in her ears, but she certainly heard her as they were hovering. “Anise...?” She turned her head down to the Goomy in her arms, a social reaction as she felt the echoes of her fear. “Anise... I'd never do anything that will hurt you, you know that, right?” She swallowed, fearing that she had done something that would scar the kid and hinder her trust.
Anise sniffles, crying and shivering in fear.
“Dun go that fast... It's scawwy... It's suppew scawwy...”
“Sorry, Anise, I was a little freaked out... I've been able to see ever sense I learned this trick. Huh, I wonder who taught me...I know I was taught by someone, but I can't remember who... How annoying...” She paused after getting lost in her own thoughts. “Anyway, Anise, if you chose to trade in your Beautifly styled wings for those of a Beedril or Togetic, you could fly at the speeds I do too... You don't have to be afraid. Especially not in my arms, okay?”
“I dun wanna... Gowing fast is scawwy... Pwease don't gwo fast...”
Anise cried in Vero's arms, accepting the comforting feelings, but obviously not at all at ease about going quite the speed Veronique went.
"Only when necessary then... Like I said, I was freaking out too, Anise. Yeah I'm older, but I still get scared... And right now, I'm a stranger in this place, if I can't see, I can get lost again. I'm almost to where I might be able to function in your home without my sight, but certainly not out here." She tried to explain. Veronique had always enjoyed the feeling of flight and the breeze through her fur, though she supposed that for a being that had to have mucus all over them, the idea of going fast would be akin to that of hurting themselves, since they could easily dry out at high speeds, but that was why Vero had covered the girl with her blanket, to prevent that... It wouldn't help, though, now she needed to wait for Anise to get back to her normal self and instruct her, so that they might be able to continue with the tasks that were set before them this day.
Anise cried out for a few more minutes before finally calming down and returning to her normal self. The dragoness sniffled a few more times, nudging the blanket against Vero.
“I-I'm bettew now... W-We can gow to the ne-next gwuild...”
It was obvious the girl was still upset, but she seemingly bore no ill against her compagnion.
“Good, glad to have you back to yourself. Now we need to meet Marble for some training, she has requested that we show her our moves. Hopefully someone else has had the same idea, and there will be a member of the scholar's guild there as well, allowing us to do two tasks at once.” Veronique spoke. “I know you said that they were out on the edge of the town, but which edge?”
Anise sniffled.
“It's about fi-fifteen minut that way...”
She pointed her left horn towards the guild's building, making no attempts to hop back on the ground just yet.
Veronique tilted her head. "I see the guild building, but the bit with Marble said that it was in a training field in the forest. Hmmm..." Veronique twisted one of her ears around and lifted it, sending a sharp pulse of psychic energy through the air, and back to her before she closed it. "Actually, got it...And I think I know where everything in town is now as well... At least if you can describe buildings to me for me to label them on my mental map." She answered, starting a leisurely pace toward the training fields, tail streaming behind her as she did her best to remain upright while moving to keep her speed at a minimum for the smaller Goomy girl.
“I-I don't know whewe the twaining field is... Big Bwo sais it's dangewous fow me to gow thewe alone and he doesn't gow...”
Anise told Vero right before she explored the whole town with her psychic sight. The action itself did peek the girl's interrest, but she remained mostly quiet still as Vero carried her, shanken by her day's ordeal.
A short flight later, Veronique landed and knelt upon the ground, setting Anise down as she twisted her head around. “You don't need to worry about things being unsafe here, this is the tracker's area after all... and we were invited.” The Espurr said, rubbing the girl's head through the blanket. “Ah, look there's one of the Scholar's guild, so yes, it seems as though someone else did have the same idea.” She answered. “Now I just need to speak with Marble and have something set up...A partial memory...” She muttered. “Why don't you just have a seat, princess, and let me handle this one...?”
Anise nodded and made her way to the nearest fence posts and climbed up the nearly vertical surface effortlessly, making her way ontop of it to get a better view of the training fied despite her small stature.
“All wight Vewo. You show 'em!”
Veronique spoke to Marble, and two other grass type pokemon, both of whom were Roselia. Marble had laughed at the idea of such a difficult challenge, but allowed it, pointing to a bunch of small posts that were put into the ground. After a nod, Veronique and Marble headed over, and Veronique hopped up, while the two Roselia took up positions around them. The attention that was being given to this test, also attracted the attention of the Scholar's guild representative in the area, just as Vero got into position.
One foot was situated on the post in the center, the other against the knee as she brought her hidden power back into existence. One feather from her hand was plucked and turned into a sword, the others remained as feathers in her palm. The sword was raised to the sky, and the feathers pressed against her body, looking much like a fan. Once she had taken up this position, Marble spoke one word: “Begin!”
The two Roselia began with their attacks circling the girl, a petal blizzard and magical leaf, which circled closer. To top it off, Marble seemed to be picking up... a large boulder? Veronique waited until the first of the magical leaves came closer, and split it down the middle with her sword, the shock causing the other Roselia to loosen her concentration on her petal blizzard and the petals started to fall straight down. In a blink of an eye and a flash of hidden power, at the cost of one of the remaining feathers of her 'fan' all of the petals were sliced in half diagonally. Lastly, Marble threw the boulder into the ring; allowing for the first time anyone could have seen Veronique move, but it was still only a flick of the ear. One remaining feather, but six lines of energy appeared on the stone before it shattered apart under the touch of a finger as it would have hit Veronique, harmlessly falling to the ground to the sides of the posts.
“I trust that this proves our ability to the trackers?” Veronique spoke calmly, easily walking on the posts to Marble, dismissing the last feather to thin air, and caught the last leaf of the magical leaf before it could strike the Machoke.
“Are you really blind...?” Marble spoke incredulously.
“Of course I am.” Veronique tapped her foot impatiently.
“I don't believe it... I mean I can't believe it...”
“I do believe I asked a question. However, I will take your disbelief as a 'yes'.” Vero said, then hopped down from the wood, noting the Kricketot scribbling down notes in his booklet. “And this filled the requirements for the task of the scholars too, yes?”
“Dohohoho! Yes, quite! I've written everything that you did down here in my book, but what move was that, my dear?”
“Why, Hidden Power, of course, Flying type.” Veronique spoke.
“Jolly good then, I'll have them file this away and note your reputation for your assistance.”
“Thank you.”, as Veronique spoke, she headed towards the young Goomy. “So... how was that? See, going fast isn't always a bad thing.”
Picture Perfect Ramen
Anise frowned at her partner, amused, but unhappy about that statement.
“I nevew said it wasn't, I said it was scawwy and I didn't like it!” she protested vividly. “But that was a supewb display, I luved it!“ She then complimented “You'we gweat Vewo!”
“No, that was nothing...” Veronique waved her off. “That was rather good practice though...Now... with that one done...” She spoke, pulling out the piece of paper from the pocket of her cloak. “We've completed both of the scholar's tasks, and one of the two tracker's tasks. Being as your brother would probably kill me if we did the other one, we'll move on to the Artisans. I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty hungry.”
Anise gave Vero a slightly disappointed look, tilting her whole body to the left.
“You mean I'm not showin Mawble my moves?”
The small girl did look disappointed hearing the news, but the prospect of food did made her smile.
“Food sounds good, what awe we eatin?“ She asked the Espurr with her unaturally large smile.
“Not needed this time, my lady. Best to keep your fairy powers a secret, wouldn't you think?” She mimicked a wink at the Goomy. “Well, yes, food, the Artisans asked for help with their play, so we're going to help by providing food. To be honest I'm not that good at making costumes or anything, but the least we can do is fix them some food, right? I was thinking perhaps some ramen. Feeds a lot of people and is rather easy to make and keep warm for those who are absorbed in their work... And while I'm getting things ready you can have your picture painted and show it around to others, sound good?”
Anise tilted to the right this time, looking puzzled, but intrigued.
“Wamen...? What's wamen?”
As she questionned Vero, Anise made her way down formt he post and began to make her way toward the Artisant's Guildhall, showign Vero the way there, the 'normal' way.
"Ramen. You've had it when I've cooked. It has green onion, noodles and many other things that others can put in themselves. Like vegetables and thinly sliced meats and even soft boiled eggs." Vero explained as she followed the girl's lead. "Its filling, customisable and easy to make."
“Oh, is that what you sewved me and big bwother the othew day? It was good... But it was hawd to eat...“ Anise complained.
“Say, whewe... Well, mowe how did you know how to do that with Secwet Powew Vewo? That look nothing like how big bwother taught me!” She finally pointed out, curious about it.
"Hidden power is a unique move that mimics other moves appearance at a lower power. It can't mimic extra things like confusing the target." Vero explained. "For instance, the wings I create mimic fly, the sword is air slash. The feathers are the source of things... like a charge stone holds only so much energy before it explodes. If I run out of feathers I need to expend more energy to create more. I could create a lot of them at once but that would wear me out and take a lot of time. However, while the feathers still exist I could use them as a move as well. Gust, wing attack... something like that." Vero smiled. "Eating ramen will be easier for you after you get limbs other than your horns. Then you can use chopsticks or a fork."
“Well it shucks.” The dragoness returned, still not quite pleased with the answer as the two of them arrived at the Artisant's guild main entrance.
“Hewe we awe. You wanna go intwoduce youwself and tell them how you wanna help? I know whewe the awt gallewy is, I'll go ask fow my pictuwe.” Anise's works were more of a declaration than a question, pretty much deciding how things were going to go this time instead of letting Vero do as she may have liked.
"That works well." Veronique stated simply, toying with the button on her cape before heading forward through the door. "Meet you back here in an hour or so? And be sure to show your picture around to see what others think!"
“Huh Vewo...” Anise objected shyly. “You can come and pick me up at the awt gallewy? I... Well I dun't want to wuin the painting Fwankie will make of me...” She pointed out. Rarely did Anise imply she would ruin something, but when it came to art, she knew first hand how much of a disaster she was. Much to her displeasure.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, sure, we can do that." Vero said, realizing the issue almost as soon as it came up. "Though I will be hopefully carrying home some food as well..." She nodded, then headed off to the others in the area, relieved to find that there weren't any dark types in the area.
Anise gave her a relieved smile and headed up to the studio by herself. once in there, she just skipped by another pokemon heading down with a rather strange portrait. The girls was abotu to ask to see it, but the (Insert possible cameo here?) hid it away and rushed down the stairs, seemingly shy or unhappy with the painting. This suprised Anise, who headed much more hesitantly in the studio.
“He-hellow...?” She asked nervously.
“Ah just in time! Were you next? Must be you're here. Ah take place on the stool and let's see... Oh yes, I know, let's try... This?”
Anise took place with some difficulties, but the artist, a rather colorful Bayleef, had already begun her work before the Goomy was even in place! This made Anise question how this even worked! None the less, she stood there, sometimes moving, nervourly anticipating something that wouldn't look like her. The painter hardly even looked her way! Taking but a quick glance here and there, but it was quite clear in the Bayleef's excitement to work, she wasn't giving Anise any attention, which left her quite uncomfortable.
Veronique spoke quickly with the semisage in charge, quietly explaining that she was going to be cooking them all a meal while they prepared and asked to be shown to the kitchen. With the monkey leading the way and chattering, Vero had the chance to ask a few questions about the supplies in the kitchen and figure out what she would need to provide herself. The kitchen was, unsurprisingly, empty. From here she could hear the musicians practicing for the play, and amused herself by creating the dough to the rhythm of the music. She had no need for the pasta maker, opting to cut the noodles uniformly by hand, relying on muscle memory for the majority of things as she went over other things in her head. 'Onions and miso, tofu boiled and prepped, eggs simmering in water for perfectly soft boiled eggs...what else? Best to stay away from any meats... mushrooms instead? May as well...'
Eventually, Frankie began to ask Anise to stay still, which at first suprised the dragoness who wasn't expecting it, but reassured she WAS indeed the painter's attention now, the girl complied happily. From there, it felt like eternity. Anise realized that staying still was not quite her cup of tea and ofthen, she had to be asked again to stay still by the Bayleef painter. Once eternity reached it's end, the small Goomy was given the rigth to move again and got to see what matter of painting she had become the focus of.
Once all the food was prepared, Veronique enlisted the help of more of her little bird sprites and her own arms, bringing it down to the stage and setting things up on warmers, then broke the other's conversations with a sharp whistle, announcing that the food was ready, then stood back while the others stampeded toward the food with bowls and disposable chopsticks, as well as forks for those who were less capable of using such things, and hoped that there would be something left. In the meantime, she went to see how the painting was coming along. She was tracing the line back to Anise when she noted another with a painting, and figured that she must be on the right track.
Anise's picture was soon done and after traiding a few words with the painter and exchanging a few amusing words with one another as Anise finally got to see the painting itself. There were others waiting so Anise simply asked for a little help to set her portrait on another stand while she awaited Vero's return, not wanting to risk ruining the work.
Veronique made her way up to the room, knocking first, since she didn't want to bump into anyone, then entered after a moment. “Ready to go, Anise?” She asked, moving to where the girl was situated.
Anise turned around to face Vero, smilling widly at her as she radiated with happyness.
”Vewo look! Doesn't it wook just like me?!”
She pointed out, motioning at the painting with her horns, again accidentally forgetting the dissability of her friend.
“...I'm sure it does, Anise, though I am not the best person to ask about visual aspects of flat portraits. I can say that the energy that was put into the painting was quite joyous though.” The Espurr spoke, trying to sound dismissive about it, as she understood that the young girl had not intended to point out one of her flaws, and had merely forgotten something she hadn't considered important. Which, since Veronique could behave without issue normally, she supposed it was an easy detail for the Goomy to forget.
Anise's expression darkned in shame once she realized her misstake. So happy had she been abut the painting she completly oversaw her guardian's handicap.
“I-I'm so sowwy Vewo! I... I-I... So...”
The girl soon began sobbing again, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
"Don't worry about it. It's an easy detail to forget." Veronique waved it off. "Just don't expect me to tell you how something looks on you as you get older. The most I can do is lie and tell you you look fine." She answered, picking up the painting carefully in one hand. "I left the ramen and the other things back at the main hall though, so we'll need to stop back there on our way out."
Anise sniffled a few more times, nodding in agreement. Deep inside she felt horrible right now, not being in her nature to deliberatly insult someone, less so a friend and house guest. She followed Vero closly and silently, looking down infront of her, ashamed of herself.
Vero noted the silence of her companion, but let her brood until they got back to the area with the food, and quickly packed them three lunches. “Anise... You know you're going to lose your sight when you evolve, right...? How have you prepared for that? Have you at all?”
Anise shyed slightly at the comments, dismissing it quickly.
”I... Big Bwother said I woud have a teatcher of sowt to show me...”
The idea wasn't quite strong with anise still, making her uneasy.
“I see... figuratively. Sounds like he's got things handled then. Perhaps then, you'll have an appreciation for the sight you'll regain...and understand why I freak out near a dark type too.” Veronique spoke calmly. “Lets show this picture around, shall we? See if we can get any good reviews on the Bayleaf's work.” She put the boxes on her back and headed for the doorway.
Anise did smile a little and nodded, following right behind her.
“You suwe you don't want me to cawwy the food at least? I can't wuin bowls...” she pointed out, trying to at least offer some assistance.
"The seal is a little sloppy, I wouldn't want you to get burned if it spilled." She answered. "After the painting is dry though your mucous won't be able to hurt it so you can carry that."
Charity to Those who Need it
They stopped around the town, offering up the painting for inspection, mostly saying that the painting was good ( though perhaps anise's watery eyes put it more in that favor than not.) Along the way, Vero spotted a few pokemon that seemed to have made their home under a low bough of a tree, sort of ramshackle and from the look of things they were just coming to the town with what they had on their backs." Hey Anise? Why don't you take this ramen over to those folks over there? I'm sure they could use a warm meal after such a long trip."
Anise turned around to see just who Vero was talking about. Living in the lower houses meant Anise lived outside the tree and thus crossing the newcomers was a common sight. These however... did brought the dragoness' comfort and pity. She knew those lunches were for Vero, her brother and herself, but Vero was right, they needed it far more than she'd ever. With a smile, she used her horns to take the ramens form Vero and brought them to the poor newcomers. She did spent some time checking in with them and when everything was set and done, she returned to Vero, moving lightly with a bright smile as she was waved goodbye by the poorer pokemons she had just helped.
Vero waited while Anise took the food over to the new mon, hands behind her back with the painting to boot, meaning she wasn't surprised when she got a comment from behind her.
“Oh? That's a cute little Goomy you have painted there, and a charitable one too!” Veronique turned to face the source of the voice. Most of the creature was coated in white, but from the look of the shape of the creature, she was a Lucario.
“She is, I'm sure her brother is proud of her.”
“Were you intending to take the trial of charity? This does fill its requirements.”
“I'm not sure what that is, other than a task for the keepers, which we were intending to do...right about now actually. We were on our way to see a Keeper named...Gemma?”
“That would be me, yes! Since you've already completed it, I'll just go ahead and give you the reward. Thank you for being so kind.” She answered, offering up an ankh shaped item. “It will allow you to use heal pulse for every charitable deed you do, so be sure to keep it charged! Oh, and there's the matter of our favor, do you have a name that you'd like this to go under...?”
“Distant Horizons.” Veronique spoke, not even thinking about it.
“Huh, that's an interesting one! I'll look forward to reading about your choice from Madras. Also, I can tell you're not around here, and you're using a strange technique, perhaps you'll be willing to them about that too? If not, that's alright, we just enjoy learning and getting information, we keep it safe...maybe like your organization? That cape seems familiar.”
“I'm afraid I don't know much about what you're insinuating...I've lost my memory, so you see, I'm not going to be able to help Madras with the survey very much.” Vero said, taking the ankh from her in one hand.
“Hm hm~ well, we'll have to see about that...I'll see you around! And now that I know you're doing the trials, I'll be sure to check with you to see if you've done them!” Gemma answered, then walked away.
“Such a strange girl...” She muttered, turning back in time to see Anise returning to her.
“Well! With that done, we have one more task to do, and that is to find a Mawile named Madras... and look what our kindness gave us, aside from a warm feeling inside. That was Gemma of the keepers.” She said, holding up the ankh for inspection. “And this will allow us to use heal pulse so long as we keep doing charitable things for others.”
As she returned to her firend's explanation, Anise couldn't help but tilt her head at the comment.
“Vewo... Did you just twick my pity and kindness to get one of big bwother's ewants... That wouldn't be nice.” She pointed out, slightly disappointed.
“Firstly, no, I was the one who asked you to do something for me, knowing that I could just fix us more at home. The fact you empathized with my request was beyond my control. Secondly, she approached me, not the other way around, but I still gave the credit to you because you were the one doing the request. Thirdly, she's the one who offered to take this act as credit for the trials that we were going to do after showing around your picture some more, I merely gratefully accepted her decision claiming it as finished. Fourthly, she also gave a review on the painting, which I believe should be enough to create a proper statistic for Frankie. They should be happy to hear the good news, no? Might be good to just to let me go back and tell them, that would be quicker... but it would leave you here alone for a moment. Think you'd be okay with that?”
Anise gave Vero a reassured smile. “I undewstand... I was a little scawed you twicted me thewe... But I twust you, you'we a nice pokemon Vewo.”
With her youthfull smile back, Anise took a few pace toward a nearby shade and turned around. “I'll be wight hewe Vewo, you can go.” she somewhat directed the Espurr with her playful wanna-be princess tone.
Vero shook her head at Anise before pulling out a set of two feathers, one of which she used immediately to bring out her wings. "I'll be right back." She spoke, then she was off, flying at high speeds that would have made the Goomy screech at her again. In two moments she was back, landing without kicking up more than a small rustle of leaves, not even touching the dust and dirt beneath it.
While Vero was gone, Anise had taken upon herself to secure some shades and enjoy the outdoor. As much as she hated to admit it, she spent way too much time inside reading and studying, so having an excuse to venture outside was more than welcome. The goomy was almost sadden when her partner returned so fast, but knew better than regert being alone for too long. After all, Alexander did warn her to be careful. So, with her ever cheerful smile, she returned to Vero and asked her with enthusiasm :
“So, what did she said?”
"She was happy to hear that her art was so well received. She says to keep it as a thank you, and even did a little sketch of me flying. She also explained that her sketches have a sort of power to them, and that this one would likely allow us to use charm whenever we liked." Vero spoke. "She also happened to know where we could find Madras. They hang out in the shade of the great tree, at the local brew...or cafe, rather. Apparently it makes for a good place to relax and reconnect your thoughts."
Anise was pleased to hear the good news up until the last part, where she frowned with worry.
“Big bro said I shouldn't go there until I'm older... He said it's a grown up place...“
“To a drink shop? That's peculiar... I don't know why he would say that, unless it was at night, then their fruit juices turn a bit... well, fermented.” Veronique shrugged at the statement. “At any rate, we're not going there to socialize, we just need to find Madras. Or, well, I guess you can go home and I can complete this last thing on my own, if you think that your brother knows best.”
Anise shook her head negatively at Vero.
“I can't let you go alone! I pwomised big bwo. Just... We just gotta be cawefull. I mean, big bwo said it was a dangewous place, but I'm safe with you, wight Vewo?” She asked, looking up at the Espur with expectations.
Veronique gave a bow, gracefully sweeping her cape behind her. “Of course, my lady, you're always safe with me.” She spoke eloquently, then stood back up.
Anise couldn't help but giggle with a gleeful smile. "All wight then! I'm weassuwed, lead the... Oh huh, wight. It's this way."
And with that, the small Goomy lead the way back in town, heading for the forbidden cafe.
Interview with a Magi
Veronique followed after the Goomy quietly, a smile on her face after the girl had giggled. At least she was in a good mood again and not worried about the consequences of going somewhere her brother had said she shouldn't. After all, what was so bad about the little brew place. They made a nice tea after all.
As she lead Vero to the small cafe, Anise did slow down midway there to ask her guardian.
”Hey Vewo... Youw my guawdian knight wight? You'll keep me safe?”
The phrasing made Veronique pause, holding her tongue to keep from injuring the young girl, but it struck a chord within her and made her want to tell the girl that she wasn't, instead, she merely replied. "Of course I will keep you safe. I told you and your brother I would after all. What kind of 'mon would I be if I went back on my word?"
“I twust you Vewo. You been Kind and I'm suwe you use to be a nice 'mon. I pwomise I'll help you wemembew who you use to be Vewo.”
Anise spoke honestly toward her, as a friend. Just as she did, the finally reached the said cafe, where the girl stopped at the door, uneasy to step in first.
The Goomy's words made Veronique bring her ears forward, nearly over her eyes. “I'm afraid most of this task will be on you, Anise...I don't remember much, so my interview won't be a long one.” She did, however, note that her companion had stopped at the door, and gently pressed past her, shooting her a smile over her shoulder as she opened the door.
A quiet murmur of noise swept past as well as the jingling of hollow appricorns with wooden balls in them that were being shaped like little chingling mouths. It wasn't overwhelming, just pleasant conversation around many of the tables, and Vero motioned for Anise to follow her inside, walking through the comfortable walk way towards the counter, where a Meinfoo was waiting.
“Hi hi! Welcome! Can I get you something to drink today?”
“Yes, thank you.” Veronique spoke. “A jasmine tea for me, and a Roseli berry soda for my friend, please.”
“We'll bring it right out to you! Have a seat.” The Meinfoo gestured, then, after dismissing her, turned back to the torkoal shell to tend to some savory smelling brews, and retrieved a clay cup from the shelf, and poured a pale green liquid into it.
“Well then,” Vero said, looking down at Anise. “Have you found Madras?”
Anise followed sheepishly behind Vero, intimidated by the place her brother labelled as 'Dangerous' to her. She eyed the room with great care, somewhat scarred of some of the citizen she'd normally feel perfectly fine beign around. This was a big contrast due to the environment.
Still, she gathered in the scene with some degree of forbidden pleasure, the great enjoyment of the unknown and excitement that came with being where she shouldn't be. When Vero finally asked her if she had spotted Madras, she replied with a hushed tone, in the middle between excitement and and nervousness.
“Yes. She's at the second table fourth row formt he entrance.”
"Then let us go greet them." Veronique said simply, walking to the directed table. "Pardon us, Madras, but might we join you for a spell? I heard that you were looking for stories about our lives... though mine will be short."
The Mawile nodded, and directed them to sit across from them, a smile on their lips. "I'm always willing to hear about others, even if I'm in the middle of a tea break. It's one of the few times I actually get out of the great tree... aside from the times I visit the Scholar's guild hall."
“Well I can say a lot!“ anise chimed in, smiling widely as she took place on the seat next to Vero. To Anise, the keeper was far less scary than they outa be, probably due to the cute pink 'headmouth' color.
After a moment however, the girl did realize she stole the spotlight and apologized.
“But I'll wait aftew Vewo, she's the eldest.“
Vero merely smiled, and used Anise's blanket to rub the top of the Goomy's head. "Very well... I'll attempt to go first, if you're ready, Madras." She spoke casually, and waited for the Mawile to get her book ready before beginning.
"I was born in a place called Fanrong. A secluded village somewhere to the north...My mother and father were ordinary, I'm afraid I don't remember their names or faces... I simply know that they were there. I also had a younger brother, though I don't remember..." She trailed off for a moment. "I remember that I was swept away from my family at a young age, for whatever reason... I'm vaguely sure it wasn't a kidnapping but my parents didn't seem happy about it either, I'm not sure why. Truth be told I don't remember much about my family, or myself. I do remember learning to dance, though, that must have been when I was really young. Most of what I remember is from before I became able to see." Vero explained.
"Can you tell me anything about the village itself?" Madras asked.
"It's... well, It was full of banners and arched houses, tiered from wide bases almost to sloping peaks, but there were trees and bamboo everywhere, as well as ponds... I'm not sure what type of export our main one was... but I'm betting it was either paper or sugar. As I said, I was swept away from my family early on so I wasn't... able to learn such things. At least not from them. How frustrating..." Vero sighed. "From there, it's blank until I woke up in Anise's house about two weeks ago...I don't even remember how I learned to focus my attacks the way I did..."
"Interesting... Well, don't strain yourself, you can always come back if you feel that you remember something more." Madras said. "Now then, how about you, little one?"
It took a solid minute for Anise to snap back to reality. She just so enjoyed Vero's explanation way more than how her Brother had explained it! Still, when she finally realized it was her turn, the girl grinned happily and began her fantastical tale.
“I'm fwom a wainy land supew faw away to the west, whewe I'm actually a pwincess fwom mama's housse. I'm being ovewlooked by my big bwother wight now and am leawning all sowt of stuff. I didn't stay home fow too long tho... But it was a supew nice place! We had huge undewgwound houses, unlike youwse build up the twee, ouws wewe build in the woots.”
At this point Anise stopped for a minute to catch her breath, before swiftly resuming for her audience.
“I lived thewe with my big familly, I have so many big bwothers! Well, no I have only one big bwother, but I mean, I have a lots of oldew siblings and I'm the only giwl...”
She again took a break, this time to reflect, searching her words.
“Well... It's just... You don't have a wowd fow it...”
She paused, hoping they understood what she was attempting to explain, but explaining about as well as one would expect a child to describe it.
"Anise... You're supposed to be telling Madras about your real family life, not some make believe situation." Veronique scolded. "I'm sorry about her... she loves to play pretend... I just didn't realize how much it colored the way she saw the world..."
"It's quite alright, I'm a budding artist myself, having many different stories in the works. Why don't you flesh that out some more, Anise? Write a story? Sounds like you have the start of something great there." Madras commented. "I'll take that as your answers for now. As I said, please feel free to meet me in the tree if you care to expand upon it further. However, Anise here has sparked my imagination, and I need to move before it dissipates, see you around."
Like that, Madras was up and floating out the door, her empty glass left on the table. The Meinfoo came and collected it, and set the girl's drinks down in front of each of them at the same time.
Anise didn't protest too much, but she did pout quite a lot, making a point to make it apparent that she was insulted... Well until she took a sip from her drink and returned to her joyful self. Even her slight nervous shivers from being at the Cafe vanished with the sweet relief of her soda, washing away her fears, angers and worries in sweetness.
Veronique likewise took time to enjoy her drink, and when they were both done with them, their glasses empty, Veronique finally pushed Anise to get up. "Alright, time to get home. It's about time for supper and we don't want your brother worrying about us." Vero spoke, stretching as she waited for the Goomy, then the two of them headed out the door for home.
Featured in Groups
Drawn application
All but one of them is here, though here's an overview of where they were completed, if you weren't sure:
Keepers Tasks
Task 1: Charity to Those who Need it
Task 2: Interview with a Magi
Trackers Tasks
Task 1: Fighting Chance (Not in this Document)
Task 2: A Mild Workout
Scholars Tasks
Task 1: A Mild Workout
Task 2: Cleaning the Lab
Artisans Tasks
Task 1: Picture Perfect Ramen
Task 2: Picture Perfect Ramen
All but one of them is here, though here's an overview of where they were completed, if you weren't sure:
Keepers Tasks
Task 1: Charity to Those who Need it
Task 2: Interview with a Magi
Trackers Tasks
Task 1: Fighting Chance (Not in this Document)
Task 2: A Mild Workout
Scholars Tasks
Task 1: A Mild Workout
Task 2: Cleaning the Lab
Artisans Tasks
Task 1: Picture Perfect Ramen
Task 2: Picture Perfect Ramen
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