The Evolution of StealthPLUT0NIA on DeviantArt

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The Evolution of Stealth



:bulletblack::bulletblack: Made this to celebrate the announcement of THIEF 4!!! :bulletblack::bulletblack:

As you can see, the evolution is not in chronological order, but rather in the "sneakyness"-order. :D

"From worst sneaker to best sneaker" -order,
Characters included:

:bulletblack:Mr. 47 - "Hitman"-series. (A professional contract killer. Kills for money but stays hidden mostly. Master of disguise.)

:bulletblack:Solid Snake - "Metal Gear"-series. (Clumsy and arrogant, pretty good sneaker but often gets caught in overly dramatic situations. Has to kill some people in order to advance in story. :) )

:bulletblack:Richard B. Riddick - "The Chronicles of Riddick"-series. (Very good sneaker, sees in the dark and good at escaping. Very hard to kill and trusts no-one.)

:bulletblack:Sam Fisher - "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell"-series. (A professional covert operative. Master at staying hidden and uses advanced tools for evasion, info gathering and self defence)

:bulletblack:Garrett - "Thief"-series. (The best sneaker in the world. Blends with the darkness and steals everything. Can steal anything from anyone, can infiltrate any place, can escape anything and can open all locks. Doesn't kill. Doesn't leave evidence. A ghost.)
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