deluxe makeover seat #13 - eellieplushpon on DeviantArt

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deluxe makeover seat #13 - eellie




By Radio685 By Eellie-dcpp7hl by plushpon
owner: eellie 

[i]: potted flower pixelmakeover instructions[i]: potted flower pixel

theme: I really like the colors and the confetti pieces but I want them more like a cute vintage stuffed animal, with four limbs!
If you need more info on what I mean, I can provide!

colors to include / to avoid: Anything dark, you can stick to the same colors and maybe add some? 

design notes: I don't really like the tan color or the blue bell collar, it doesn't go with the design so maybe a new collar?
I really adore the anthro work you did for the last design here
so something like that would be perfect!
Deluxe Makeover - Batch #2

I was picturing her maybe wearing a onesie type outift with cute buttons
and looking like pajamas? No unicorn horn please! I trust you with the rest ^u^

[i]: sprout pixelour notes[i]: sprout pixel

this design was so fun and we really hope we nailed what you were looking for qwqqqqqqqqqqqqq
the original design gave us a real donut vibe so we tried to incorporate that throughout the makeover!!
she's got sprinkle hair clips all throughout her hair/fur. their hair & tail are loops while her onsie has a vintage sweets look.
there's a hood but we wanted to let you decide how it would look on her, maybe ears, up to you!!! this is one of our favorites q7q/
pick up here!
Image size
800x934px 70.77 KB
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