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Crystal M Rollins
42 Watchers296 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (23)
My Bio
An oddity and an undirected dreamer.

Favourite Visual Artist
can't choose
Favourite Movies
Princess Bride, Emperor's New Groove, What Dreams May Come
Favourite TV Shows
SD9, Firefly, Weeds
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Panic! At the Disco, Mumford, Black Keys, Florenc + The Machine
Favourite Books
Discworld, Black Swan, Occult
Favourite Writers
Terry Pratchett
Favourite Games
Katamari Damacy, Zelda, WoW
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, XBOX, desktop
Tools of the Trade
Marker, Computer, Micron Pen, Colored Pencil, Airbrush, Words, Ideas, Wacom, rulers
Other Interests
lapidary, comics, stories, baking, medieval history
So... If you 'follow' this journal, you've probably noticed that there hasn't been that much to follow in the past year or two. If you've been reading Jikoshia by Emily Gillis or my comic Aspect, you've probably seen the majority of everything I've been working on. I really don't have too much to say for myself except that I've been directing all my energy into those two projects. We published the first books of Jikoshia and Aspect, collecting 4 chapters each. Since the Kickstarters ended and we received our copies and went through the fall conventions, I've fallen into a deep funk that I'm just now starting to drag myself out of. On the pos
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Jikoshia book 1 just began a Kickstarter campaign to fund the printing of book 1. Emily and I have been working together closely as a team for the past three years. At some point, I hopped into her bandwagon and began coloring Jikoshia. We're planning to meet up at SPX, and are well on track to having the book ready for print in time to sell at both Small Press Expo on the East Coast, and Jet City Comic Show on the west coast! Please take a moment to look at her campaign, and throw in a few bucks if you light brightly-colored girl-centric action-drama-fantasty comics. Whew. That's a mouthful!  or
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Hi everybody! I'm here to ask you all to take a moment to look at my IndieGoGo campaign, here:  I've been working on drawing and shading Aspect for the pst two years (man, has it been that long?!) and I've been redrawing and reworking the story for the past ten. This is a story that has been with me since middle school, back when it was just me and my friends messing around on RP chat-boards online. It has come a long ways since then, and if you'd taken a look at my Deviantart account, you KNOW my art and storytelling has improved greatly. Now i have the chance to put that art down on paper, and have the chance to
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Profile Comments 115

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this thing still work?
Thanks for the watch! Your art is cool!
Hi Crystal! May not remember me ... I've commented on a couple of your comics a time or two. (Maybe you recognize the owl? ;)). Anyway, was wondering if you had turned off comments on Aspect, or if it was something weird where I couldn't see them anymore?

Anyway, I finally followed the link to your dA pages. Now I get to follow your art here! Win!
Yeah, I recognize the owl. Thanks for the heads up! I'm not sure when that happened. I'm seeing if I can fix it on the Disqus-site end. Hopefully I can fix it up. I'm not trying to turn off comments. I actually hope people comment more often. It makes me feel like I'm not posting in a vacuum :)
spent the lsat month straight doing 5+ hours a day of comic work to get me and my friends' chapter 1s ready for small press expo :) alive, but hella busy.
yaaaaay! she lives! woohooooo! *offers to buy you an imaginary drink with imaginary money in an imaginary world* What would ya like? :)