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Hunter without the hunted



"You have won... Maiev... But the huntress... is nothing... without the hunt... You... are nothing... without... me..." - Illidan

“He is right. I feel nothing. I am...nothing.” - Maiev

This picture is a fan art dedicated to Maiev Shadowsong one of the more tragic heroes in the Warcraft universe.
It is set a short time after the death of Illidan (the quotes above are from that moment) when the returned to Azeroth.
With her mission to hunt down Illidan lost she is aimless, her life is in ruins and all the traumatising losses the had to endure in the more than ten thousand years start to sink in.

The picture was drawn in Adobe Photoshop CS6 on a Wacom Cintiq 24".
I used some textures from for mat painting.
It was inspired by Photos of shell shocked soldiers in WW1 I've seen lately.

Had to change the picture since there is an unarmoured version now of her in the Legion Addon which has facial tattoos.
Edited contrast&colour a bit as well in turn.
Hopefully they don't change anything now :D
Image size
1920x1200px 585.56 KB
© 2015 - 2024 PLehnard
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