35yro college student (Office Admin) with a passion for all things crafty, creative, and artistic! Aspiring fiction author, comic creator, and pixel artist! I've also recently gotten addicted to creating ATCs/ACEOs!
Pansexual, Canadian, Vegetarian, Wiccan, animal lover engaged to an amazing (trans) man! Hate will not be tolerated.
Favourite Movies
Harry Potter series, LOTR series, Jurassic Park series, Resident Evil series, Underworld series, Hunger Games series, Divergent series, Labyrinth, Princess Bride, LOTS
Favourite TV Shows
X-Files, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Switched at Birth, Pretty Little Liars, Californication, Once Upon a Time, HGTV reno shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
30 Seconds to Mars, Mariana's Trench, Cher Lloyd, Linkin Park, Korn, My Chemical Romance
Favourite Books
Harry Potter series, Divergent series, Hunger Games series, Forgotten Realms series, Anita Blake series, This Witch for Hire
Favourite Writers
ME (hehe too many to list really)
Favourite Games
Left4Dead, Sims, Minecracaft, Animal Crossing, Dead Rising, D&D Online, Second Life
Favourite Gaming Platform
X-Box 360, Wii, 3DS, PS3/4, PC
Tools of the Trade
Copics, Prismacolour, Sharpies, (borrowed) Canon DSLR, Singer Simple sewing machine, keyboard, MY HANDS & IMAGINATION hehe
Other Interests
zombies, vampires, faeries, Wiccan, Vegetarianism, animals, my fiance, LGBTQ+, Psychology