Robert Johnson's CrossroadsPlaidTidings on DeviantArt

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Robert Johnson's Crossroads



Project: Blues and All That Jazz

"Robert Johnson, feels the moonlight bearing down on his head and the back of his neck as the moon seems to be growing bigger and bigger and brighter and brighter. He feels it like the heat of the noonday sun bearing down, and the howling and moaning of the dog in the ditch penetrates his soul, coming up through his feet and the tips of his fingers through his legs and arms, settling in that big empty place beneath his breastbone causing him to shake and shudder like a man with the palsy. Robert Johnson says, 'That dog gone mad.'

The man laughs. 'That hound belong to me. He ain't mad, he's got the Blues. I got his soul in my hand.' "

Taken from a vision ([link]) by fellow bluesman Henry Goodman, of the fateful night when Robert Johnson met the Devil-man at the crossroads outside Rosedale Mississippi, and sold his soul to become one of the greatest Delta blues guitarists of his time.

Woo! It's done! :dance: Lovin' the way it turned out, especially the Devil Man, and Johnson, and the moon...

Also, you gotta download it to get the full size.

Also also, my tablet is my new best friend. Sooo fracking shiny, omigod
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1000x488px 317.39 KB
© 2007 - 2025 PlaidTidings
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UFOtestpilot's avatar
awesome painting ? not sure how you did it , doesn't matter , its terrific
Commander Zephyr
keep an eye on the sky , it might be me