.:March Event:. - The Warrior God

8 min read

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The battle over, the warrior blades banished, just as quickly as they appeared. The trainers and pokemon that fought, were now once again alone in the clearing, knowing not what to do now that the portals were closed. Once more the voice spoke in their minds:

You were chosen by My messengers and enters to portals to My planet. You braved My woods and faced My warriors. As dawn rises on the final day of My month, I can return to my slumber happy, having witnessed  the bravery and courage of this generations warriors. Soon you will all be returned home, with gifts for your courage, and those who truly proved your worth and metal to me shall find themselves additionally blessed. 

As the last words faded from their mind, the trainers and pokemon found themselves once more standing at the spot where they had entered the portals earlier, a few trainers found themselves the new owners of Eight Banner Honedge

Eight Banner Honedge

Warrior servants of Warrior God, the order of the banners can vary, but the numbers must remain the same (5 Suns, 3 Waves).
Starting Level: 0
Starting Base Attack: 5
Rarity Move: Miracle Eye
Rarity War Honedge (AKA Eigth Banners) by DrakAlGhul

The Warrior Blades

FinalMoons by DrakAlGhul

All the trainers and pokemon that traversed the woods gathered under the red moons in the clearing. Once more the telepathic voice spoke to them. 

Those of you that have braved the dangers of My Woods have but one more task to prove your metal, and worth. Show me how you fare against my warriors.

Once the voice finished speaking Warrior Honedge descended from the sky surrounding a Warlord Aegislash, placing themselves at the center of the clearing. 

Mission Paths

Path #1 : 
Did you make it to the clearing or are  you lost in the woods? Do you face the Honedge or run away? 

Path #2 : 
The portals are beginning to close, the pidoves are back to normal, but not all that have entered the portals have returned. What if anything do you do about it?

You are to choose a mission path to follow, and draw/write your trainer or pokemon dealing with the situation.
Entries must be submitted and posted (to this journal) by March 30th, 11:59pm EST. Anything after this will not be considered.

The Clearing

Moons by DrakAlGhul

The wild pidove did not enter the portals , but all those brave enough to enter find themselves in a dense wood. A clear nights sky above shows not one, but two moons in the sky, both blood red. Shortly after entering the woods the telepathic voice speaks in your minds once more, seemingly without the need of a messenger this time: 

Welcome to My Woods brave ones. Your task is to reach the clearing where my two moons become one in the sky. Thread carefully, as the path is perilous full of traps and other dangers. Find the clearing, show me your worth. 

Mission Paths

Path #1 :
You have entered the portal and heard the voice's task, what will you do next? Will you search for the clearing and risk the perils? Will you return home through the portal?

Path #2 :
You chose not to enter the portal or were not approached by the pidove, what do you do? Have you heard about the portals from other trainers? Do you perchance attempt to enter one? Or do you simply go about your day as any other?

You are to choose a mission path to follow, and draw/write your trainer or pokemon dealing with the situation.
  • Standard Event Rules Apply
  • Trainer Bonus: +2 Lvls to all pokemon if trainer is present
  • Trap Bonus: +2 Lvls to 1 pokemon drawn/written dealing with one of the traps or dangers found in the woods. (This bonus can only be applied to one pokemon per submission)
  • Level Penalty: Failure to read the rules and try to claim level bonuses not granted in this event, will result on -2 Level penalty for all pokemon involved.
Entries must be submitted and posted (to this journal) by March 22th, 11:59pm EST. Anything after this will not be considered.

The Woods

Pidove by DrakAlGhul

Amidst the chaos, select pidove focused on trainers that had shown interest and willingness to listen and understand. Their eyes glow red and a powerful telepathic link is established between the trainers and the pidove. All at once a voice booms into their minds:

My messengers have deemed thee worthy brave trainer; will you prove to me your metal? Portals have opened across your lands, pathways to My Woods, are you brave enough to venture forth into them? My messengers will guide you to the nearest pathway, what you do next will show me what you're made of

Mission Objective

Where you one of the ones deemed worthy by the Pidove? Or were you on the sidelines watching it happen? What will you do next?

Draw/write your trainer or pokemon dealing with the situation.
  • Standard Event Rules Apply
  • Trainer Bonus: +2 Lvls to all pokemon if trainer is present
  • Level Penalty: Failure to read the rules and try to claim level bonuses not granted in this event, will result on -2 Level penalty for all pokemon involved.
Entries must be submitted and posted (to this journal) by March 15th, 11:59pm EST. Anything after this will not be considered.

The Great Pidove Mystery

Flock2 by DrakAlGhul

Reports of Pidove behaving erratically, such as was seen at the close of the wedding at Diamond Caverns, have been flooding in from all across Nations. 

Nations reports Pidoves flocking to cities, ranches and any other populated area. Each pidove seems to direct their focus on a particular trainer, however not all trainers seem to be getting pestered by pidoves, at this point we do not have any explanation as to what is happening to wild and trained pidoves alike. What does seem to be clear is that they are attempting to communicate with those trainers. 

Missions Paths

Path #1 :
You are being pestered by the Pidove, what are they doing, can  you interpret their attempts to communicate? 

Path #2 :
You are not being bothered by the Pidove, how do you handle this? Are you jealous or happy? Do you try to help solve the mystery or simply mind your own business?

You are to choose a mission path to follow, and draw/write your trainer or pokemon dealing with the situation.
  • Standard Event Rules Apply
  • Trainer Bonus: +2 Lvls to all pokemon if trainer is present
  • Pidove Bonus: +2 Lvls to any of your pokemon that are of pidove lineage that participate in the event.
  • No Pidoves may be harmed in the completion of this event.
Entries must be submitted and posted (to this journal) by March 8th, 11:59pm EST. Anything after this will not be considered.

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StarCrosst's avatar
Congratulations to the winners!