Archived - PKMN-CC: Trail

4 min read

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PKMN-CrescentCavern's avatar

Walking through an old pre-war cemetary, you find yourself intrigued with the names and descriptions of those long past. There are pokemon about, but they're hiding among the forest and behind stones.

Pokémon on the trail

Phantump by pokemon3dsprites - Phantump - Common
Gastly by pokemon3dsprites - Gastly - Common
Murkrow by pokemon3dsprites - Murkrow - Common
Spiritomb by pokemon3dsprites - Spiritomb - Common

Trevenant by pokemon3dsprites - Trevenant - Uncommon
Decidueye 724 by pokemon3dsprites - Decidueye - Uncommon
Honchkrow by pokemon3dsprites - Honchkrow - Uncommon
Dusknoir by pokemon3dsprites - Dusknoir - Uncommon

? by Enalon - ??? - Rare

Items on the trail

CC Icon Stardust by Enalon Stardust -Common 
CC Icon Caps by Enalon Caps - Common 
Rare Candy MAX - Uncommon
Houndoomite - Rare 

:bulletblue: To walk the trail, leave any comment below

:bulletblack: Trail is open three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and operates on British Standard Time (GMT+1/UTC+1)

:bulletwhite: You can only visit the trail once per open day, any late comments will be left until the next trail day to be rolled.

:bulletblack: You can gain levels/learn moves with a written roleplay with the mod but you must initiate with at least 100 words to begin with (note that mod replies may be brief depending on time). Pokemon caught during the RP can gain initial levels this way but every other Pokemon will need a reference.

:bulletwhite: You can catch a Pokemon and send it to another member but you can't send it straight to the Daycare (that's mean!)

:bulletblack: If you inventory is overcrowded, any Pokemon encountered will flee immediately (if you have pending space purchases, be sure to state this beforehand). Once you or the Pokemon flees, it cannot be claimed anymore.

:bulletwhite: Don't leave your capture replies for too long, you have until two weeks once the trail month is over before it becomes void.

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