7 min read

Deviation Actions

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  In the outskirts of Aurum Town, you find a market in the forest outskirts. Booths and tents are all set up as people trade an assortment of different things. Cutiefly swarm the outdoor market, helping merchants and buyers alike.

Hello Adventurer, and welcome to the Cutiefly Market! Created and operated by Rodrick and his swarm of Cutiefly in honor of Queen Hathor the kind guardian of the forest. You'll find the biggest difference between the Cutiefly Market and the Pokemart is that the Market does not deal in money. Here everything is traded one thing for another and the Cutiefly make sure it's all fair for everyone.

Here, members may do a number of things! Ranches can send Cutie Couriers to other ranches with gifts. An ever so polite Ribombee will trade items for different ones. Troy has settled down now but still ever looking for interesting items to trade for. And at the market's center, a mysterious well seems to exchange strength for wishes...

.: Cutie Couriers :.

Many Cutiefly buzz around a small stall set up in the Market's plaza, which is otherwise un-manned. A small board with delicate cursive writing gives some instructions, and it seems that when given items and told who to give them to, the Cutiefly will deliver them!

Please use one form per item. Otherwise, the Cutiefly might get confused!

🔂 Item Transfer:
Person receiving:

.: The Ribombee Swap :.

Here you can take any of your unwanted items and trade them for different items.Please note the following when trading:

  • The value of items is based on their Tier, listed below.

  • OOS (Legendary Tier) items can be swapped with other OOS items or traded down for lower tiers, but you cannot trade items up for an OOS item.

  • Items may change in tier in the future.

  • "Packs" are bundles of 5 items. Pack items may only be traded in or traded for in groups of 5!

  • Leaving the group, or just feeling charitable? Head over to the Recycling Center to donate items for the community, instead of trading them!

.: Item Tier :.

 Common :: Valued at 25   
Evolution Gem
Advanced Gem
Change Shroom
Technical Machine
Training Manual
Pokeball Pack

 Unusual :: Valued at 50   
Passover Stone
Rare Candy
Random Egg
Honey Pack
Poke Beans Pack
Great Ball Pack
Glistening Berry
Raz Berry

 Shiny :: Valued at 100   
Type-Specific Egg
Relaxing Incense
Synthesis Berry
Compound Berry
Tera Shard
Extra Box
Ultra Ball Pack

Legendary :: Valued at 500   
Luminous Orb
Enigma Berry
Harmonizing Liquid
Crystallized Alloy
Trait Scrambler
Void Stone
Master Key
Herba Mystica
Star Egg
Echo Egg

.: Form :.

Comment down below with this form for Item Swapping!

🔁 Swapping:

Trading In:
[The item(s) and amount you are trading in]
[Total Value of trade ins]
Trading For:
[The item(s) and amounts you are trading for]
[Total Value of the item(s) you are trading for]

.: Trader Troy :.

After a long time on the road, Troy has decided to settle in the Echo Region. This doesn't mean his job is done, however! Here, you can fetch some of the various items that the Cutiefly want in exchange for some goodies!

If you want to complete a Trade Mission:

  • Only one Trade Mission can be done each month, so choose your reward wisely! That month's Trade Missions must be submitted before the end of that month, EST.

  • Every month, Troy will ask for different items. You only need to retrieve 1 of these items, and you do NOT need to actually have the item in your inventory. You just need to draw your Pokemon and/or trainer getting or bringing in the item!

  • All images must be full-colored (coloring style is up to you) - shading and backgrounds are up to you. Literature must be 300 words. RP logs must be a TOTAL of 800 words, cleaned up. Trade Missions should be submitted to the groups' Missions folder!

  • That being said, collaborations are a valid option for this activity, when writing, both members will have to write at least 300 words, if your entry is a roleplay, roleplay log rules are the same! In the case of art, both artists must do equal amounts of work on the picture, no matter how the work is split up!

  • In exchange for completing a Trade Mission, you get to choose ONE of the following rewards: a trait item of choice, a Star or Echo Egg, or a Master Key. Additionally, all Pokemon involved receive +2 Trade Mission Bonus levels!

.: Bounty Board :.

This month, Troy is looking for any of the following items:

Hotel Room Key


Halloween Costume

Candy Bowl

Assorted Candies

Items must be brought in by:

September 30th, 2024, 11:59 PM EST

.: Form :.
Comment down below with the form to complete a Trade Mission!

🔄 Trade Mission:
Trading In: [The item being brought in] → For: [Your reward of choice]
(If Collaborating, please specify for both Artists.)

.: The Wishing Well :.

In the center of the market is a little brick well that sprung up overnight. The Cutiefly seem to gather around it in drones, drawing strong Pokemon to it to make a wish. If they are strong enough Queen Hathor will grant their wish!

  • Pokemon at level 100 may give up their levels here to start over at their base level (Origin levels and latest reference levels remain) and gain a new trait of your choosing. This is called Prestige.

  • Alternatively, you can trade in the levels for 1500 tickets which you can spend at the Prize Shop (The equivalent of one trait item or megastone with some tickets to spare!)

  • In order to prestige a Pokemon most of their levels must be earned through natural levels (art and writing of them, zircon, gift art) and cannot exceed 40 levels gained through EXP Share or Rare candies.

  • Pokemon with levels from EXP share earned before May 21st, 2019 are exceptions as this rule was not in place.

  • Pokemon keep their current evolution and moves but all old levels are forfeit except for any clutch images.

  • Pokemon that already have the Blend or Hybrid traits can use their prestige to add or replace Blend Types or Hybrid Species, with the usual limits!

  • You can only add one new species or type per prestige wish!

  • Unlike Crystallized Alloy use, you CAN add Legendary species to normal pokemon or Uncommons with Prestige!

  • Also unlike Crystallized Alloys, you can add Megas to normal pokemon or Uncommons with Prestige!

  • Please note: With this being so new we will subject this to change as well as monitoring rare candy usage.

.: Form :.
Comment down below with the form to make a Prestige Wish!

🌠 Prestige Wish:
Pokemon: [Link to the ref of whom you wish to Prestige]

Inventory Number: [Box number of the Pokemon]

New Traits: [The trait you wish to add]

.: Trainer Prestige :.

Trainers may now also spend their levels at the wishing well! You still need to spend 100 levels, though rather than resetting to 0 you simply subtract 100 from your main trainer's level log! Here are the options you can prestige for:

  • Pokemon Prestige: You may prestige a pokemon in your inventory, regardless of if they have a ref drawn or not! This functions exactly as if you were using the pokemon's own levels for prestige, so refer to above for the rules.

  • Ticket Prestige: Again as above, you may spend trainer levels for 1500 tickets to be spent in the arcade prize shop!

  • Mega Ring Wish: Note: you need to spend 500 trainer levels instead of 100 to do this! In recognition of your trainer's hard work and dedication, they may earn a mega ring this way instead of needing to earn it through the echo league! Of course, you can only pick this option if you do not already have a mega ring.

.: Form :.
Comment down below with the form to make a Prestige Wish!

🌠 Trainer Prestige:
Level Log: [link to the ref you're tracking trainer levels on]
Choice: [Pokemon Prestige? Tickets? Mega Ring?]
Pokemon: [Link to the ref of whom you wish to Prestige if applicable, or the species/traits of the pokemon if they do not have a ref yet.]

Inventory Number: [Box number of the Pokemon if applicable]

New Traits: [The trait you wish to add.]


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ACottontail's avatar

🔄 Trade Mission:
Trading In: Umbrella → For: Crystalized Alloy

Want an Umbrella?