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PKMN-Adventures's avatar
Welcome to the Safari Zone! Watch your step, some trainers have left behind some items in their exploration of the Zone! Here you will find several different Pokemon that seem to come and go every so often. Who knows, you may even find a special Pokemon! Are you ready to enter? Alright! Let's go!

Monday + Thursday


  • The Safari Zone can be explored once per day, every Monday and Thursday, without the need to have any art or literature at all! That's right! You have a chance to get items and Pokemon without having to do anything except post a comment to this journal when the Safari Zone is open!!
  • There are 5 different areas in the Safari Zone you can explore - each with a different 'dominate' type! Each month will follow a sort of theme where the types will correlate with them.
    • The fifth zone (fishing) works a little differently! Where the other zones change in their primary type month to month, you can always find water types here! You will need a Fishing Rod from the PokeMart in order to fish! If you want a higher chance of catching a Pokemon here, you will need some bait from the Pokemart as well (acts like honey)!
    • To catch a Pokemon, you don't have to use a Poke/Great/Ultra Ball, but you do have higher chances of catching Pokemon when using a Ball (it is also dependent on the quality - higher quality balls produce a higher catch rate).
  • Please note that just because you post here doesn't mean that you will always find something! The Safari Zone runs on complete randomness!
  • In each of the areas, there is a chance to get Special Pokemon! :new: Each Pokemon found in a zone has a chance of having a single trait, and you have complete control over what it will look like! For example, if a Pokemon has a Blend Type Trait, you can go ahead and pick whatever Type(s) you want to add! Same goes with Hybrids.
  • :new: Each month, one area has 'Random' listed as its trait. This means a traited Pokemon found there could be any of our group's traits! 
  • :new: Additionally, one area every month has some very interesting visitors... Legendaries! This isn't listed in the area descriptions, so you'll have to search around, and they are very rare. They can even have the area's trait (random traits included), if you're extremely lucky!

Please bolditalicize, or underline the area you are going to explore and if you are using Honey for the Safari Zone!


  ~ AREA ONE ~  

Shooting Stars

Advancedgem by renruu-archieve Advanced Gem
Evolutiongem by renruu-archieve Evolution Gem
Passoverstone by renruu-archieve Passover Stone 

[5% Chance of Random Trait]

 Minior | Common
Solrock | Uncommon
Lunatone | Uncommon
 Omastar | Rare
 Aerodactyl | Rare    


  ~ AREA TWO ~  

Quiet Temple

Trainingmanual by renruu-archieveTraining Manual
Randomegg by renruu-archieveRandom Egg
Ultraball by renruu-archieve Ultraball Pack

[5% Chance Mutant]

 Unown (Any) | Common
 Solosis | Uncommon
 Bronzor | Uncommon
 Alolan Raichu | Rare
 Musharna | Rare   


  ~ AREA THREE ~  

Aurora Peaks

Razberry by renruu-archieve Raz Berry
Compoundberry by renruu-archieve Compound Berry
Rarecandy by renruu-archieve Rare Candy

 [5% Chance Shiny]

Amaura | Common
 Snover | Uncommon
Cryogonal | Uncommon
 A. Ninetales | Rare
 Beartic | Rare 


  ~ AREA FOUR ~  

Hall of Mirrors

Technicalmachine by renruu-archieve Technical Machine
Relaxingincense by renruu-archieveRelaxing Incense
Glisteningberry by renruu-archieve Glistening Berry

[5% Chance Hybrid]

 Klink | Common
 Klefki | Uncommon
 Lairon | Uncommon
 Celesteela | Rare  
 Mega Steelix | Rare  


  ~ FISHING ~  

Waterfall Resort

Synthesisberry by renruu-archieve Synthesis Berry
Gendershroom by renruu-archieveChange Shroom
Typespecificegg by renruu-archieve Type-Specific Egg

[5% Chance Blend]

 Staryu | Common
 Corsola | Uncommon
 Lombre | Uncommon
 Bruxish | Rare  
 Milotic | Rare  

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