Mother NaturePixiePowderPuff on DeviantArt

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PixiePowderPuff's avatar

Mother Nature



Agh. I originally did this for a concept cookie contest but I read when the contest ended wrong, so I finished it a day late.... anyway... this is the discription:  This is my version of Mother Nature. I wanted to put a lot focus on her compromise with the more literal life-forces of water and blood since those two things work to sustain all life on earth. I tried to figuratively show her being a mother with symbolic tattoos showing her pregnant, rather than having her actually be pregnant. I also went about her design with a more native american art feel, because I wanted it to seem that this is more what people can only imagine her as, and possible not what she truly is, because she is everything.

I also kinda thought that she sees all life a little like how that deer looks, she only sees their life force/ energy.

I hope you enjoy my peice! <3
Image size
3354x4500px 8.06 MB
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BlackTeaChai's avatar
Awesome! :heart:

Great work!