7 Photoshop Brushes for Painting Metalpixelstains on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelstains/art/7-Photoshop-Brushes-for-Painting-Metal-522890879pixelstains

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7 Photoshop Brushes for Painting Metal

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Today’s Photoshop Brushes are for painting metal and rust.

For brush requests, ideas for future brush sets, or related questions you can email me at brushtip@pixelstains.net

The set contains seven different brushes:

  • The first one is a good old metal brush. It works well to set a metallic base for most objects.
  • The second brush is for painting scratched steel.
  • The third works well for dirty scratched metal. It’s probably the best for military designs.
  • The fourth brush is a metallic diamond pattern.
  • Fifth is a different metallic pattern.
  • The sixth brush is for painting weathered, old metal texture.
  • The last one is for painting rust.


A little bit of Color Dodge can do wonders when painting metallic surfaces.

When using the diamond patterns for the proper effect create a layer below the pattern and paint under the shapes with the color of the main light source. Alternatively you can fill a layer with the color of the main light source, do your texture work, select the empty space with the Magic Wand set to zero tolerance and delete it. You should end up with a grid of diamond patterns lit by the main light source. You don’t need to get it perfect on the first try, you can adjust the result with Levels and Hue/Saturation afterwards.

To add more details, scratches or wear and tear, you can download my brushes for wear and tear here.

For extra details use the default pressure sensitive soft brush, or with noise added.

All my brushes are FREE to use both in commercial and personal art.
I do not request credit or back linking, but if you do I'll take it as a kind gesture.
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JulieMDxNotTheDR's avatar

Thank you so much for the lovely resources! :)