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5 Watercolor Brushes for Photoshop

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Today’s Photoshop Brushes are for achieving the watercolor effect.

I’ve been hunting a lot for watercolor brushes back in the day, and they were always a source of frustration because 99% of the brushes I found online were just stamps of water stains on paper. The remaining one percent wasn’t free, and it cost way more than I planned to spend on brushes without any guarantee that they’ll actually be what I am looking for.  If you’ve been looking for watercolor brushes you know exactly what I mean.

The brushes you can find below will hopefully solve both of those issues as they are free, and designed for painting not stamping over your painting.

For brush requests, ideas for future brush sets, or related questions you can email me at brushtip@pixelstains.net

The set contains five different brushes:

  • The first one is a big soft brush designed to tone the background for your painting or vignettes.
  • The second brush works good for painting your shadows and designing your painting while keeping it still fresh and smooth.
  • The third brush is for details and small highlights in your painting.
  • The fourth one is for adding the extra watercolor feel to your paintings. You have less control over it, but it’s worth the sacrifice as it adds that essential freshness to the image.
  • The last one is for painting your occlusion shadows and small details. You can also use it to add interesting stains and texture to your work.


Use airy colors in your watercolor paintings. Start with colors that are high in tone and add the dark shadows last. Avoid starting with dark colors, start very high on the scale and go lower and lower gradually. You don’t need to use the full tonal spectrum either — I found that the images are more lively with a restricted tonal scale.

Use the smudge tool for even more control over the effect. You can download my Smudge Brush Pack from here.

All my brushes are FREE to use both in commercial and personal art.
I do not request credit or back linking, but if you do I'll take it as a kind gesture.
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sytac's avatar

Incredible work! ❤ ❤ ❤