3 Ink Brushes for Photoshoppixelstains on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelstains/art/3-Ink-Brushes-for-Photoshop-519445947pixelstains

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3 Ink Brushes for Photoshop

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Today’s Photoshop Brushes are for achieving the traditional ink painting effect.

I really like the energy of traditional ink sketches and paintings, so I thought it would be fun to create some brushes that mimic that effect. If feels good to sketch with them, and they make gesture studies a lot of fun.

For brush requests, ideas for future brush sets, or related questions you can email me at brushtip@pixelstains.net

The set contains three different brushes:

  • The first one is a fully loaded ink brush. This brush gives you control over your sketch, while still retaining the traditional feel.
  • The second brush mimics an ink pen. You have less control over it, but the effect is more dramatic. If you press it hard it paints ink drips on your canvas.
  • The third one is a dry brush; I tried to go for the “Chinese ink” type of feel.


Set a paper texture in the background and paint over it for a pleasant traditional effect.

Try varying the opacity between 80-100% when painting.

Use the smudge tool to add drama to the effect.

All my brushes are FREE to use both in commercial and personal art.
I do not request credit or back linking, but if you do I'll take it as a kind gesture.
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bigschmidt's avatar

Thank you! 🌸