Winter Storm Luna and Winter Storm PreparednessPixelKitties on DeviantArt

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Winter Storm Luna and Winter Storm Preparedness



In honor of Winter Storm Luna, naturally! [link]

Unfortunately, actual winter storms aren't nearly as adorable as the Great Moon Princess of the North. Here's some information if you're in the path of ACTUAL Winter Storm Luna. Mainly, Get prepared, stay indoors, and keep warm!

Information on Winter Storm Luna and just how severe it's going to be from The Weather Channel- [link]

Updated information on where the storm is and where it's heading- [link]

FEMA has a handy preparedness guide to preparing and bunkering down for big winter storms- [link]

The American Red Cross has a hand page that takes you both preparing and what to do in case of emergency during the storm- [link]

Same deal from the Center for Disease Control. Some of their advice is best served well in advance of severe winter weather, but there's some hand information on dealing with power outages and other loss of utilities and heating- [link]
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