PixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/Wed-Space-Comic-297600487PixelKitties

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Wed Space Comic



Spoiler Note- As of this post, I haven't yet seen the new episode. All I know is that there's pretty dresses and Princess Cadence/Cadance getting hitched to Shining Armor. Beyond that, I'm as in-the-dark as anyone else! Any actual resemblance to the actual episode is purely coincidence (or emerging psychic abilities) and not a meany-mean spoiler!


My Little Pony + Dead Space + Sex Pistols

It's beginning to look like my comics stem from some kind of pop-culture Mad Libs!

As season 2 of the Friendship Express arrives at its destination, I wanted to make something really special and epic. Hope you all like it!

I want to dedicate this comic to my amazingly tolerant and patient husband who has supported me unwaveringly in my weirdo clown pony hobby for over a year. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my Tom the Rock.
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1100x2392px 2.2 MB
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TheAstuteDevil's avatar

Thank goodness Cadance turned out to be a sweetheart in the end.