PixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/The-Brightest-Light-Casts-The-Darkest-Shadow-578366790PixelKitties

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The Brightest Light Casts The Darkest Shadow



East Side?  West Side?  DARK SIDE!

I don't know about you scruffy nerfherders but I am SO PUMPED for this weekend!  Seriously, It's like Christmas and Jewish Christmas and Birthday Christmas all rolled into one...if they were a movie!

Seriously, you guys, Sisters starring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler is going to be the GREATEST MOVIE EVER!

PS- WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?  Get off the internet!  There are spoilers everywhere!  Crawl inside a TonTon until the movie is out!
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950x725px 2.06 MB
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ShinMegamiTenseiShy's avatar
Somepony needs to make a Daybreaker version of this!