New Book BoxesPixelKitties on DeviantArt

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New Book Boxes



New Book Boxes by *PixelKitties

At last June's Bronycon I made a paper, book-shaped Elements of Harmony box to keep pens, stickers, and assorted stuff in. I was amazed at the number of people who came up offering me ridiculous amounts of money to buy it. Towards the end of the convention I ended up with a bunch of people at my table bidding on a simple craft item that wasn't even that happy with.

I made some more and sold those at subsequent conventions last year and while everyone seemed to love them I really thought the books could be so much more impressive than just paper and cardboard.

This year I wanted to really create something truly worthwhile. The new book boxes are made of wood with gold leaf "pages" and are leather wrapped with a tooled pattern. The horse emblem and corner embellishments are laser cut/etched mirrored acrylic. THIS is the kind of Elements of Harmony box I wanted all along! I'm also thinking of having a special surprise inside the book as well. Gotta see what I can do before next weekend.

Best of all, you can totally put your weed in there! Because ponies eat weeds and grass.


I'll have nine boxes in three sizes at Trotcon next weekend. If they sell well I'll be bringing them to Bronycon and Nightmare Nights too!

UPDATE- Oh gosh! Thanks so much for the wonderfully positive response! I'm so glad everyone is liking the books!

For everyone wondering about the price, I've not settled on what to charge yet. I really go out of my way to keep the price of my pony stuff low, low, low! That said, these represent quite a bit of cost in terms of materials, not to mention time so I'm trying to sort out a balance between a fair price for the consumer and a little bit of profit and recouping costs for boring old me. If you have a moment, let me know what you'd be willing to pay for small, medium, and large sizes! It would help a lot to know what actual buyers think!

As for selling online and international shipping- I'm working on it! As you can imagine it's taken quite a while to put these nine together. Now that I've done it once and have some of the processes in place it'll hopefully be a bit faster next time. I'll try and make some available between conventions! Just be aware that shipping costs in the US have gone sky high, so international shipping on these, especially the large books, will probably be a bit high. Even shipping some stuff to friends in Seattle and California has been crazy expensive lately!

Keep an eye on my Twitter, Tumblr, and DA journal and I'll let you know when more boxes are available!
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Zhentil's avatar

Cool stuff! What kind of leather is that? Chrometan or vegtan?