Hanukkah PoniesPixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/Hanukkah-Ponies-274390859PixelKitties

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Hanukkah Ponies



I'm getting later and later with my Saturday submissions! It didn't help that I am battling the flu to a coughing, aching, stuffy-head feverish standstill at the moment!

Anyhoo, have some Hanukkah goodness with Rarity and Sweetie Belle being taken to the Dreidel cleaners by Pinkie Pie. I made this for the Equestria Daily banner contest, so if Derpy Clause is especially coherent and checks my list twice, this might show up sometime around Hanukkah (That's Dec 20-28 for all you gentiles out there!)

In case you're not familiar, when playing Dreidel, it's customary to make bets with little chocolate coins called Gelt. When you spin the Dreidel, and if it lands on a certain symbol known as Gimel, you win the entire pot in one go! It's sort of like rolling Nat 20s in D&D, except more delicious.

Pinkie Pie seems to be either extraordinarily good at playing Dreidel, or she's utilizing the power of her Pinkie Sense to cheat. Either way, Rarity is not amused!
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