PixelKitties on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixelkitties/art/Fina-Hylen-Autograph-Card-420199467PixelKitties

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Fina Hylen Autograph Card



Getting to make autograph card art for actors and crew from My Little Pony is always an honor and I really, truly admire each and every staff member I've been blessed to work with!

BUT...only a select few can truly have the honor of being both GREAT and POWERFUL!

Fina Hylen is pretty much the most awesome bundle of awesome ever!  She's  the Swedish trifecta of best pony-ness voicing Trixie AND Derpy AND Princess Luna!  She also gives voice to Silver Spoon who, while not best pony, is pretty adorable for a mean girl!

Tonight she'll be appearing on Stay Brony My Friends with my friend the incredible, mustachioed machismo man of mans, Dusty!  Fina will be giving away an autographed version of this pic so make sure and listen in.  She might be a little bit nervous, so be sure and send her lots of love and support and let her know just how Great and Powerful she really is!

Also, be sure to follow her on the Twitters- twitter.com/FinaHylen
Image size
900x639px 483.33 KB
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