Fusion X for XPpito0747 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pito0747/art/Fusion-X-for-XP-124954123pito0747

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pito0747's avatar

Fusion X for XP



I always tried to make visual styles that not represent the norm of the moment so here is my new VS. Fusion X is a visual style with blue details and black color on it.This one have a flashy look and I think it have a good mix of usability and flashiness.

It include in the zip:

Fusion X visual style With a more wide start menu substyle for those who use large icons size.

Fusion X PKmenu skin- You can find PKmenu here

Fusion X XMplay skin- You can find XMplay here

Fusion X iconpack for IconTweaker(with cursors)- You can find IconTweaker here

Fusion X Rainlendar Skin- You can find rainlendar here

Fusion X dock skins for rocketdock- You can find Rocketdock here

Fusion X Sshutdown skin- You can find Sshutdown here

Fusion X toolbar for Styler(Two versions)- You can find Styler here

Fusion X dock icons



Any comment is acepted.

Thanks a lot to :iconb-boy1968: my friend for helping me with all these new vs.
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