Cutie pie.PissYellowDog on DeviantArt

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Cutie pie.


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Nuclear power plants generate electricity by using nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split, releasing a large amount of energy.

A typical plant produces around 1,000 MW, enough to power over 500,000 homes.

The most commonly used atom is Uranium-235, which undergoes fission when struck by a neutron.

When a neutron hits a Uranium-235 atom, it splits into smaller parts, releasing energy and more neutrons, starting a chain reaction.

This energy heats water, turning it into steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity.

Control rods manage the reaction by absorbing extra neutrons, ensuring safe and steady power production.

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U-237's avatar

Control rods *and boric acid (for most nuclear power plants in the world, as PWRs (or even EPR which is kinda advanced PWR))

Great drawing as always!