Zetro VS 1.3pisadeviant on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pisadeviant/art/Zetro-VS-1-3-214393983pisadeviant

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Zetro VS 1.3



Zetro VS 1.3 - a metro style theme.

UPDATE 7-29 v1.3:
- Change start menu, clock, font size.
- Add 2 theme with blue button.
- Fix some bugs.
- Add default wallpaper.
- Some small change.

UPDATE 7-13 v1.2.1:
- Change start menu/ more program button.
- Some small change.
- This is verry small update.

UPDATE 7-9 v1.2:
- Change taskbar
- add FOOBAR2000 theme
- add new color
- new start menu
- new system file
- support sp1 x86 and x64
- process view at taskbar
- add start orb
- alot of minor changes.

UPDATE 6-25 v1.1:
- fix some bug: tooltip in Firefox, some icon, text color hard to read.
- change button, more clean.
- aero peak remake.
- and some small change.

for every one who like simply and clean.

INSTALL: read the README file!
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Work of art, thank you mate!