Pirill-Poveniy on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/pirill-poveniy/art/Razzle-578563139Pirill-Poveniy

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Featured in Equestria Daily's Songbird Serenade, Coloratura, and Sapphire Shores compilation, Entry #34! 

Well, this took forever. This picture caused me so much grief and it took so long to be done because of it killing all my motivation! I really should've uploaded it as a sketch as I originally intended after the episode aired in order to make a joke about how the two characters are similar.

Instead I struggled for ages to do lineart (because I'm so anal about it) and even did a second, unique set of lineart for Sonata that I ended up not using because it was TOO detailed. I then thought that since I was so late with the image, I might as well make it a good one, and after wasting quite some time shading it, I accidentally merged some shading layers at low opacity, killing any contrast as well as my mood to keep working on it. I eventually got nagged enough to finish it that I went back, fixed the shading and slapped some random background and effects on top to hide the issue and called it done. I think the outcome looks good enough, but all the time that went into it wasn't worth it and it killed the drive to draw anything else in the meantime. I hope you enjoy it in any case!

Don't forget to check out the other version of this! fav.me/d9kgm79

:bulletblack: My Little Pony franchise created by Bonnie Zacherle;
:bulletblack: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Lauren Faust, DHX Media Vancouver, Hasbro and Top Draw Studios.
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3840x2160px 9.76 MB
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