-Photoshop Tutorial- Vectoring (Part 2/3)Pirill-Poveniy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pirill-poveniy/art/Photoshop-Tutorial-Vectoring-Part-2-3-325443099Pirill-Poveniy

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-Photoshop Tutorial- Vectoring (Part 2/3)




The finished result of this tutorial: [link] Take a look there if anything in the tutorial is still not clear, I provided the .PSD for it there.
Part 1: [link]
Part 2: You're staring it in the digital face!
Part 3: Coming soon™


:bulletyellow:[1] The source picture I used;
:bulletyellow:[2] The MLP-VectorClub group;
:bulletyellow:[3] The colour guide I used;
:bulletyellow:[4] Another set of colour guides by *kefkafloyd;
:bulletyellow:[5] A third set of colour guides, this time by ~MyLittlePinkieDash;
:bulletyellow:[6] *Bernd01 on deviantArt;
:bulletyellow:[7] The image I traced Lyra's cutie mark from;
:bulletyellow:[8] The My Little Pony Wiki;
:bulletyellow:[9] The image I traced Lyra's tail from;
:bulletyellow:[10] /r/MLPVectors on Reddit.

And as a bonus, I also did a tutorial on unicorn magic glow a while back you might want to check out if you're vectoring unicorn magic!

And here it is! Part two of the (not really) long awaited tutorial on vectoring! It's more of a presentation of my technique rather than a tutorial but I tried to add pretty pictures and shiny tips to keep you entertained. I hope you can learn something from all of this. ^^

If you see any mistakes, grammar errors and whatnot, please report them to me in the comments.
:bulletblack:My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Lauren Faust, DHX Media Vancouver, Hasbro and Top Draw Studios;
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© 2012 - 2025 Pirill-Poveniy
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CauseNPC's avatar
That's a good tutorial, Thanks!