Love is in BloomPirill-Poveniy on DeviantArt

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Love is in Bloom



EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily's Wallaper compilation #51, entry #7.:iconexcitedpinkielaplz:

Here's some Shining Armor and Cadance/Chrysalis for ya! There's no real backstory about this, but after seeing the finale, I gotta admit, the B.B.B.F.F. reprise song/animation was just soul-crushing and I just had to do something in regard to it. I'd like to personally thank :iconpolaris118:, :iconwhistlingbrony:, :iconalorpax:, BftS a.k.a. :iconpurgeslc:, :iconraptorarts:, :icontridgeon: and everyone from their streams for the feedback and/or joining my livestreams, as well as a special mention to BftS for coming up with the "Bloom/Doom" idea. You all rock!

Technically, I traced Shining Armor and did Cadance from scratch, so it was a lot of guesswork to get it to look good, and I'm pretty happy with how she turned out to be honest! I hope I didn't go overboard with effects and stuff...

Sooo that's about it. Enjoy the unnecessarily large resolution, and the thought that I might soon™ turn it into a wallpaper sized version.

Time elapsed: 10-12 hours.
Number of layers: 115
Tools: Screengrab, Photoshop CS4 paths and effects.
Font: Luvable
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to :iconfyre-flye: and :iconhasbroplz:
Image size
5333x3600px 22.08 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Pirill-Poveniy
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A beautiful bride, an agonized groom.