Pirill-Poveniy on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/pirill-poveniy/art/Derpy-Day-2017-666561972Pirill-Poveniy

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Derpy Day 2017



EQD is celebrating Derpy Day and I just love her. I put her in nearly all of my pictures after all! I didn't think I could do anything for it this time but I decided to at least try to make a generic sketch for it which I was then COERCED into posting.

I think I'll try to clean it up a bit tomorrow so I don't feel too bad about abandoning it and then give it a proper post. Hope y'all had a nice day! (Obviously this hasn't happened, haha! Maybe for 2018!)
Image size
1920x1080px 2.76 MB
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