Monthly Feature Challenge: CULTURE

11 min read

Deviation Actions

pinkythepink's avatar

:bulletpink: This month was tough for me to really pin down. It starts with one of my college semesters: I was taking psychology of culture, communication between culture, comparative religion, and art history. I was entirely immersed with the differences and similarities between even one town to the next, with much of the material overlapping from class to class. In art history we covered from Pre-Historic to, I think it was, Gothic cathedrals. I'd have to go back and check my notes. But it bothered me, every section we covered, it was all Western art history. I asked my professor what the deal was and her answer was basically time restraints, we can't cover everything so we focus on Western history, and when I asked what class I needed to take to learn about Eastern art history she said the college didn't offer it (I did go to just a small community campus, so not super surprising).

I still feel like this section of my education is lacking. I want to know more! Surely there must be a detailed history about Russian artwork comparable to how the Greeks and Romans started influencing Egyptian art styles? I know there's something out there about the different Chinese dynasties and what defined which era!

So this month I'd love for you to share with me something with some cultural meaning, even better if you can tell me a bit about it. :heart:

Your challenge is:
  • Take your own craft and make something culturally relevant!
    • It doesn't have to be your culture~ though it is encouraged
    • La la la la It must be submitted to DA after this journal to count!
  • Link back to this journal in your description.
  • Comment here with a thumb/link so that I don't miss it.
  • Even if you aren't an artisan feel free to participate!
    • Yes!! Bring me drawings!! Bring me photos! Bring me stories! I don't care what your medium is. La la la la
At the end of the month I'll feature all your new diversity celebrating pieces in a new journal. :squee:
Geisha Cross stitch by Olcanna Dreamcatcher stone by emmysheartsncrafts Selkies by Reine-Haru Native American inspired by borysbrytva Blue Ombre Dream Catcher Cinderella Inspired by xsaraphanelia White Buffalo Woman Native American Goddess pyro by YANKA-arts-n-crafts Red queen dress by AstarteXOX Blue Willow China Macarons by GamerGirl84244 Celtic Wolf by Magical525<da:thumb id="498380478"/> Weapons Fron The Ancient Greeks-Swords by AtriellMe leather armor children viking celtic by Lagueuse I Ching Set by Maylar Knight Sweater by Slothgirlart Japanese Maiden- COMPLETE by ShadowWingLG Lady with a flower by molligami Witch hunter head gear by Valimaa Celtic crown diadem tiara by TimforShade Kornmutter - Cornmother by fuchskauz ARABIC CHEST 1 - COMPLETE. by arteymetal Arianrhod Aspect of the Owl by DaraGallery Silver cascade pendant Mountain waterfall by JuliaKotreJewelry<da:thumb id="512653685"/> The Rabbit's Dream Catcher by TheInnerCat Beowulf Norse style helmet by AlexOstacchini CELTIC BOOK BOX WITH GOLDEN CARVINGS by MassoGeppetto Shidarezakura Kanzashi by SincerelyLove Irish Castle by omegaptera Guan Yinping cosplay by oruntia by oruntia Tsumami-kanzashi 'Roses hair comb 2' by haru-mai Pink Sakura Bonsai by NoriAnum AT: Benevolence by SinistrosePhosphate You can keep goldfishs on your head by demetyoubi Hand Forged Traditional Japanese Tachi by swordsofnorthshire<da:thumb id="596613455"/> Kimono Cross stitch by BlackEyesSnowAngel Keanu by Flicker-Dolls Marie Antoinette inspired Robe a la Francaise by giusynuno
LTTP: Miniature hyrule overworld map by Gimmeswords
:rose: My Catalog :rose:
Need To Post
> Mom Apron
> Tigers Xstitch
> Candycorn Bows
Currently Working On
> Blue dress alteration
> Black dress alteration
> Butterflies on bamboo xstitch
> Brazilian embroidery
> Lynee wedding sampler xstitch
> HAED storykeep xstitch
Upcoming Projects
> Hannah-Alexander's Disney Mucha Princesses, Set 6
> Green/Copper Bead dress
> Blue/Silver Bead dress
> Blue Star Trek Bead dress
> Gold Star Trek Bead dress
> Barbie bead dress prototypes (second draft)
> Related: Barbie bead dress for Mattsma
> Awesome beaded cake kit by Katie Dean

© 2017 - 2024 pinkythepink
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Slothgirlart's avatar
I tried to finish mine... I wish I could've added more details to the background but this was the best I could do. Thank you for the challenge though. I really pushed myself with the details and I'm glad I did. I think it looks much better this way. :aww:
Here's a link to my entry:…
I hope it's accepted.