pinkythepink's avatar


Art Nouveau Cross Stitching
770 Deviations

Magnum Opus

Hannah Alexander Cross Stitching Patterns

Alphonse Mucha Cross Stitching Patterns

Frenone World of Warcraft Cross Stitch Patterns

Bunei's Eeveelutions Cross Stitch Patterns

Artist // Professional // Artisan Crafts
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I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
DeviantArt’s 23rd Birthday: You celebrated another year of DeviantArt!
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (8)
Picture Perfect: Your kindness was caught in 4K!
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (9)
My Bio
A stitch here, a stitch there.
Glitter Vomit by UnicornReality

Favourite TV Shows
Twin Peaks ; Adventure Time ; Monty Python's Flying Circus ; Star Trek Next Gen
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Haken ; Roger Waters ; Trent Reznor ; Peter Gabriel ; Robert Fripp ; Ayreon ; King Crimson
Favourite Books
The Dresden Files ; Catch-22 ; Anthem ; Darkspawn
Favourite Games
RPGs ; Lost Odyssey ; Zelda ; Final Fantasy Tactics ; Eternal Darkness ; Dragon's Dogma ; Sims ; Elder Scrolls ; Fallout ; Baldur's Gate ; Divinity Original Sin
Tools of the Trade
Thread, Cloth, Beads, Needle, Digital Camera, Scanner, HobbyWare's Pattern Maker Pro
~ Announcing a brief Hiatus ~ Hello, my sweet marshmallow chickens! Unlike previous years where unexpected things continued to pop up and interrupt my work flow, this year is... well, half unexpected, half planned. There's a very solid future ahead of me where I'll be moving across the country this year to go live with my boyfriend, and anyone who's ever moved can tell you what a big upheaval that is to everything that was meant to be going on otherwise. I'm taking a bit of time off for him to come over here and meet my family, and then I will be taking a bit extra time off to go see where I'd be living, meet his family, and get to know my new town. Then there will be time off to do the actual packing and moving part, assuming that all of this goes well (which it should!), which I imagine will take the better part of a month if not more. I'm mostly worried about doing color checks with my mom, since she's not coming with me, and we'll be needing to do it long distance. I'm sure
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Here are all the beautiful things I had the honor of featuring on the front page in July. :love: Please give them love if you haven't already. Drop them a comment of congratulations or just downright tell them how much you've been inspired! :D Comments like that keep the artistic elements flowing!
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DD Suggestions

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I can feature ARTISAN CRAFTS and COSPLAY pieces! Mature content pieces in these categories should be sent to pullingcandy instead.

  • You can send me a DD suggestion very easily, just send me a note!

  • Label it DD Suggestion for the quickest response.

  • Please only suggest one piece per note.

  • Include the thumbnail/link to the artwork you wish to suggest.

  • Include a few words on why you think it should be featured for the community.

  • If I turn down your suggestion please don't feel bad! Keep sending me more! It's physically impossible for me to accept all submissions but the more I have to pick from the better it is for the whole community.

Don't forget, these are guidelines, not rules!

  • Do your best to see that the deviant hasn't received a DD in the last six months, that's the most often they can be given.

  • No works in progress (WIPs) or unfinished objects (UFOs) please, only finished pieces.

  • If it is more than a year old I will likely decline it, this is to showcase the artist's current talent.

  • Self-suggestions are encouraged! Be proud of your work!

Related Official FAQ including the list of who to send suggestions to, what Daily Deviations are, and what to do if you disapprove of a feature.

Llama Farm

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Thank you so much for watching me back!! :heart:

You're welcome :la:

You're welcome :blowkiss: