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Baby Kabuto plush - Pokemon



Baby Kabuto! 
This was the small test plush I had to make to make sure the pattern works before I sew its gigantic daddy. You can check out the big version in my next deviation! :heart:

You can find a "making of" album and watch the progress of both the small and gigantic Kabuto here!…
And a video of baby Kabuto here:…

This plush shape was extremely complex to achieve. Holes that bend towards the INSIDE of the plush?! It's hard to explain how advanced a patttern for this has to be..let's just say there was a whole lot of construction going on on the inside! :D I am never going to make a Kabuto plushie this small again, haha. It was so hard to sew the tiny pieces together!

It took 23+ hours of work to create the pattern and to improve it alongside of making the test plush. c: Further improvements will be made to fit the huge plush!

The only part I'm not satisfied with is the front of the shell, it's too flat! It will be fixed on the huge Kabuto. :)

12cm height
11cm length
13cm width 

:iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3:

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Image size
4543x1800px 9.24 MB
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