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Angry Birds Babysitting



I drew this cute drawing of the Female White Bird babysitting several baby Angry Birds and keeping a watchful eye on them.

Baby Red Bird is on Female White Bird's head while Baby Yellow Bird is standing near her. Although a few feet away from his babysitter, Baby White Bird is simply gazing up in the sky. Baby Green Bird has simply found a boomerang but doesn't know what it is. The baby Blue Bird triplets are burning with curiousity, like some babies, when they came across a butterfly and rare flowers. Baby Black Bird is taking a power nap with a Bob-omb toy (I added the warning sign for add some humor). Last, the newest, smallest, and cutest baby chick of the group, Baby Orange Bird is fascinated by everything around him, since he's only a small baby with an incredible ability, and he is occupied with his blanket, favourite piece of candy, and amber pacifier (the pink gooey stuff at the end of the pacfier is strawberry sauce).

Hope you like it!

Program I used: Paint.NET

How long it took: 48 hours

Bob-omb & Mario Series (c) Nintendo

Angry Birds (c) Rovio

Art (c) Me

(P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!)
Image size
2310x1560px 211.56 KB
© 2012 - 2024 PinkStarEevee16
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Ben10andMixelsJeremy's avatar

Baby looney tunes but Rovio.