aPinkPanthress @ LJ & as
ElvishRoyality @ BlogSpot
as well as
PinkPanthress @ Flickr & not to forget as
Royal Peach @ FotoLog would make me really happy if you could!
Hello, it is me again! I really try to be online more often, an I really try to be for longer than a few minutes online when I am online! Does that make sense to you? - I really do hope so...
I would like to say first of all... I am not seeking any attention, pity or whatever you might feel for me, but I will kind of leave this community after the 12'th of July 2008.
There is no personal reason that makes me do this. I just want to change a few things...
I will of course log in once every week or month so I can take a look at my fave peoples here on
, fave every now and then or give a comment or two.
Yet I will not come to this place that often anymore.
I won't defriend any of you, and you please won't defriend me also. 'Cause you can never know, maybe I'll actually have the time and want to be online for a week or so and would like to have my people back.
So you might ask yourself by now why it is that particular date I'll change my
It is beacuase of a gift my dear friend
NymAulth gave me last year. And I have this need to stand through it to show her my thankfulness and gratitude, for giving away an amount of Money to make me happy though she does not know me in personal, except sometimes I feel as if I have known her for a long time. Thank you, Ann!
I guess I realized on Saturday, the day where I did have my 3'rd DA-Birthday of sorts... that I spent too much time here and my life is slowly drifting into something uncomfortable. Though not because of you, no it's me who browses too long all day and night.
It all started with that damnable Flatrate we got in February 2005, I always used to love the Net since I used it the first time in 1996. It was my fave medium from then, but sometimes I hop and jump from one link to another and cannot seem to get my ass away from the Net! And since I hate addictions of any kind, I would like to try to slow down a bit and withdraw from the Net just a few hours per day to make myself free for other things in life.
I am aware that my skills on commenting, responding and faving your works has been lacking the past few month but I just could not... just do not ask me, I do not have a plausible answer myself.
If you read through all this... I just can say wow! I am impressed and flattered that someone would really take the Time for me.
If there is anything, just Note me... Do not hesitate or you might be sorry later!
And please take a look at the upcoming works, featured so everyone can enjoy them as much as I do.
Thank you all!