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Vita GTK



This is a port of the VITA VS (for Windows XP) made by :iconlassekongo83: : [link]

I'd also like to thank :iconthrynk: for letting me use one of her GTK theme as a basis.

Please be indulgent as this is my first try at a port...
Any comments are welcome, and if you see something that looks like a bug, feel free to tell me :)

I advise to use Snowish Icon theme by Saki : [link]

It fits the theme well in my opinion (see preview...)

I hope you'll enjot it!

1. Fixed panel (forgot it before, oups !)
2. Added a Vita-Light Version. This one was suggested by :iconphra0k: (thanks to him !). This light version has no "blueish"border on prelight buttons, panel and active tab.
3. Changed preview image...

Enjoy once more !!
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KiwiSaotome's avatar
Lovely theme ye gots there! :P

Keep up the great work!