Pimander1446 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pimander1446/art/Serendibite-528316724Pimander1446

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Steven Universe Crossover.

I made the ponies into Gems, respectively : Aquamarine(PinkiePie) and BlackStar(Pitch)
Fusioning together to become Serendibite...

Lets say i was kinda bored and not very creative today.
And also my Drawing Program decided it cannot save the file, so i had to screenshot this -.-

Dedicate it to :iconjadedjynx: tell her i already catch up with the show >>
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600x1048px 420.21 KB
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AligonRuler's avatar
Hang on a second...Sherlock Holmes *Observes the fusion between Pinkie Pie and Pitch really closely* Hmm...*In my head...

Serendibite looks somewhat familiar to someone else, but I can't seem get my finger on it...Confused Mario  Maybe...her?'Everyone else under our spell...' cause of the style of the hair, or... her?Garnet Emote 4  because of the color of the coat? Maybe a fusion between these two?

Or perhaps it's someone from the 80s?  I'm really don't know.:baffled:  Shrug