MLP Poster - Welcome to NowherePimander1446 on DeviantArt

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MLP Poster - Welcome to Nowhere



This is a poster i did for my Christmas Special Comic. Still not sure if i´ll be able to do it, cause its gonna be a lot of work, and sadly, im alone in doing this.
But here you have a poster for it! I hope you enjoy this!

I don´t give it as print, cause i think no one is gonna really use it as poster, at least not without knowing the whole story behind it.

The character portrayed: Discord, Pinkie Pie and Pitch.
Pitch and this drawing belong to me :iconpimander1446:

I wish there was a way to do this christmas special with a bit of help. If anyone has an idea if how that could work, tell me.
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2800x3400px 1.61 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Pimander1446
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DragonBlitz85's avatar
Is there a background story to your OC, cuz I want to know.