A (Hopefully) Definitive Deinonychpilsator on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pilsator/art/A-Hopefully-Definitive-Deinonych-458555766pilsator

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pilsator's avatar

A (Hopefully) Definitive Deinonych



This one sat in some bookshelf for quite a time, until I finished it today. One-and-a-half week of general madness, an open-air festival, and lots of inertia intervened. Glad to be done with it. I'm actually quite happy with this Deinonychus, much more so than I was with this one or that when I finished them. As usual, the tail looks visibly less worked out than the remainder of the animal. Well, I can still improve it. Nonetheless, right as of now, I like it, but that might be because the last bits - remiges, rectrices, feet - were a bit of a pain in the ass.

The reference was of course this skeletal by Scott Hartman.
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2338x1006px 269.72 KB
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Phillip2001's avatar
Wundervoll, dude!! :)

Aber kennst du mich eigentlich noch? :)