Pile-of-Trashley on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pile-of-trashley/art/sans-s-trip-to-new-mexico-part-1-955286691Pile-of-Trashley

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sans's trip to new mexico part 1



more of my stupid nonsense hlvrai/undertale crossover in which popular justin.tv streamer “sans206″ goes on a trip to new mexico to do a collab with smaller streamer “GordoFreeTV” except the Resonance Cascade that happened a year ago caused some cracks in reality and new mexico is ground zero leading to some Bullshit happening and maybe some latent skeleton magic abilities unlocking oops the cracks are spreading what will we do oh no
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Core4Lost's avatar

looks like they both need to tell each other or else something might pop out to get one of them.