My Uchiha/Naruto Collectionpikabellechu on DeviantArt

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My Uchiha/Naruto Collection



This is my Naruto collection which is mostly of course of Itachi since he is my favorite and my BF looks exactly like him naturally and when he puts the costume on even more so.. :love: Naruto is my second favorite anime with Pokemon of course being 1st.

but this collection also shares this room with part of my Pikachu collection and my Hamtaro collection. Oh and my bathroom are ducks..cuz there cute.

Pikachu Plushies that share the same room :

Hamtaro Collection opposite wall:
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960x720px 102.43 KB
ยฉ 2014 - 2025 pikabellechu
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MinaUzumaki7's avatar

I aspire to be like you๐Ÿ˜‚ I have like 12 pieces of Naruto Shippลซden merch ย coming in a month but u like damn Iโ€™m not even gonna try to count that๐Ÿ˜‚