Pika-Robo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pika-robo/art/DL-Tracy-428195443Pika-Robo

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Pika-Robo's avatar

[DL] Tracy

Character  Tracy Cage


So, this is the first time I tried making custom content for Garry's Mod and sfm.  Tracy is probably most famous on /mlp/, I got tired of waiting for one, so I made my own.  Feel free to use it if you would like!

The mane is basically a cut Pinkamena mane, so I have a long way to go if I ever want to make more ORIGINAL custom content. Since this was my first attempt at working with blender, converting it to the right files, and doing it over 30 times over again to make sure everything is a-okay, I spent DAYS on just getting this together.  I'm sure for you 'professionals' out there, it should only take an hour at least, but hopefully I;ll grow into it.  The mane still MIGHT be a bit more wiggly than I would like it in Source Filmmaker, hopefully someone who knows better than I am can tell me what I did wrong.  It works fine in Garry's Mod though!
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EpicLPer's avatar
Do you want to submit this to http://ponysfm.com too or should I do it for you?