Pika-Robo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pika-robo/art/DL-Mane-iac-v1-531121547Pika-Robo

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[DL] Mane-iac (v1)




The Mane-iac from the Power Ponies episode!  The download for this contains both a (hairless) Mane-iac and a posable mane with 5 tentacle hairs to pose.  There's also an extra tentacle in the pack if you need more than one.  The reason the body and mane are separate is because a full model with this many bones is impossible to use in Source's engine (or something), so it had to be split in two; no one wants a static maned Mane-iac.  Unfortunately, the mane can not be bonemerge to the base pony, so it will have to be posed onto her.

I want to say this now, this model might be VERY complicated to use, so I would only recommend this to experienced users.  In fact, it might be so complicated, I might be releasing a walkthrough just to show how to pose it.  This model might be easier to use in Source Filmmaker, and even than I would still not recommend animating this mayhem, stick to posing. If you are using in Gmod, there are 2 tools I recommend: The NO COLLIDE TOOL, the RAGDOLL MOVER, and the ADVANCED BONE TOOL
Here are the later 2: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles… steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles…
Regardless, the model is finished but nowhere near perfected; if you find any major (as in breaking) problems let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can.  In the meantime, in Honor of the Age of Ultron movie out, this month is basically going to be "Power Ponies month" for me, so I plan to making the Power Ponies (and Humdrum) some time in the future!

You can find the Steam Workshop version here:

EDIT:  In other news, it appears someone ELSE is working on the Power Pony models.  Which is great, because that means I don't have to!  :D (The only reason I wanted to work on them was because no one else was) They are also a LOT better then what I was going to do, so keep an eye out for them!
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KayMan13's avatar
i installed it but when i viewed her the hair was missing